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Author Topic:  Dale Watson in SF
Alan Shank


Woodland, CA, USA
Post  Posted 16 Nov 2000 11:30 am    
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I had the pleasure of taking in Dale Watson and his Lone Stars at the Elbo Room in San Francisco last night, and now I'm paying for it big time! The place was packed! They played from about 10:35 'til after 1:30, with about a 15-minute break. Great stuff, and find PSG from Ricky Davis on a Sho-Bud double 10 and a non-pedal that I didn't get a good look at.

The only drawback, for me, was the lack of a fiddle player. I understand the economics of the situation: (x/n) > (x/(n+1)) kind of sums it up.

I bought a CD, "People I've Known, Places I've Been." It's self-produced. I already have his 3 High Tone albums and "The Trucking Sessions" on Koch. Dale had some harsh words for High Tone, but did allow that "they gave me my start."

A good time was had by all!
Alan Shank
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