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Rick Collins


Claremont , CA USA
Post  Posted 26 Jun 2000 10:25 am    
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I know you only through your work. I studied, CHORD PROGRESSIONS FOR THE P.S.G. and still refer to it. I know the answer to this question is highly subjective but; I will appreciate your response. I know you are very familiar with these guitars so; here goes:
I have had a D-8 Fender Professional (1952) refinished blonde, new front decal, and have changed the leg sockets,so the legs will spread out more at the bottom. It is cosmeticly, simply better than new. I play it through the same amp through which I play my pedal guitars, a Webb 6-14E, and I play mostly Hawaiian. I have a spare pickup coil for this guitar. It is open now. Since I don't like to tinker unless I can see that there is going to be improvement; would you guess I might achieve a bit more body to the high sound of this guitar without disturbing the distinct Fender sound if I increase the number of turns on the coil? Have you ever done this? I think the #42 P.E.wire is about 1700 turns. Should I leave the magnets alone?
I have a Rickenbacker 8 string bakelite (1946) and prefer Hawaiian music on the Fender. If I can enhance the tone of this great guitar, why not? Understood that, talking about tone is like describing how chocolate ice cream taste, I would still like to know your opinion on this. My technique I continue to work on. All other opinions will also be appreciated.
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Fred Layman


Springfield, Missouri USA
Post  Posted 26 Jun 2000 8:34 pm    
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Rick, I haven't been inside the pickup for a Fender Dual Professional nor measured the ohm rating on them. I was inside a through- the-pickup pickup of a mid 40s Fender pickup and the winding shell was quite narrow in its vertical dimension, too narrow for accurate winding on my winder which turns at 1750 turns per minute. So I can't be much help to you, but one of the Forumites has wound some of the Dual pickups and perhaps he will see your inquiry and can guide you.

Almost all of my winding has been for pedal steel pickups. Putting more winds on your pickup won't increase the high frequencies, but, just the opposite, will increase the low frequencies and create more "body" to the tone. More winds will increase the output, all things being equal, but not the highs. Perhaps some of the other guys can speak to this.

I'm not sure what you meant by 1700 turns. On a 10-string pickup, #40 wire will average out to approximately 1 ohm per turn, #42 wire averages approximately 1 1/2 ohm per turn and #44 wire averages approximately 2 ohms per turn. The ohms would be a little less (averaging about 20% less) per turn on an 8-string pickup, since less wire is going on per turn.

By the way, I just traded for a triple Custom that has been refinished and I need one of the original stick-on Fender decals. Can you tell me where to get one?

[This message was edited by Fred Layman on 26 June 2000 at 09:44 PM.]

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Jim Landers


Spokane, Wash.
Post  Posted 26 Jun 2000 10:25 pm    
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Fred, Bobbe Seymore had some Fender decals. I don't know if it would be the ones your looking for, but it might be worth your while to check it out. Hope this helps.

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Rick Collins


Claremont , CA USA
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2000 8:11 am    
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Thanks for your response. I'm testing some heavier guage strings now, and some different amp control settings. The strings had not been changed for a while before the refinishing. I'm going to do some more experimenting as is before I deceide to go ahead and change the coil.
If you can e-mail your address I will send you a decal for the front of your Fender Custom. A friend made these for me. They are of the newer script design. The gold and black colors are very good. The F is nearly right; the lower case letters are about perfect. You can deceide if you want to use it after you get it of course.
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