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Opry on TV Aug 22 plenty of steel and swing

Posted: 15 Aug 2000 3:06 pm
by Janice Brooks
This is one to mark VCR alert
George Hamilton IV hosts
The Derailers
Ronnie Milsap
Brad Paisley

Janice "Busgal" Brooks
ICQ 44729047

Posted: 16 Aug 2000 6:00 am
by Neil Hilton
Janice - assume you mean the 19th here.... and you bet, good to see the Derailers back on the Opry stage. I think this will be the first time for them to be on the TV piece???

Posted: 17 Aug 2000 2:25 am
by Joe Casey
Now this should be a show to watch if George the IV,V,VI,and VII don't hog it.


Posted: 19 Aug 2000 9:08 am
by Janice Brooks
Bumping up

Janice "Busgal" Brooks
ICQ 44729047

Posted: 19 Aug 2000 5:12 pm
by Janice Brooks
Tommy Tommy
Marty Marty
Jim Jim

If you missed tonights show you missed a load of steel. Even everyones attire was up to snuff. I noticed Brian H with his spit curl also.
Thanks as always to our lady behind the camera for some great closeups.

Posted: 19 Aug 2000 10:04 pm
by Teresa White
Janice, Thanks for recognizing my work on the Opry tonight. I shoot the steel guitar with great appreciation for the instrument, besides, I would get in trouble at home if I didn't cover the screen with the steel.
By the way, I'd like to mention our new web
site. It is located at
It is always being updated and we will soon have various fun products for steel enthusiasts.
Again, thanks for noticing.
Teresa White

Posted: 19 Aug 2000 11:14 pm
by Jackie Toney
Hi Teresa, I don't believe I've seen you on the forum before (maybe I missed you), Anyway let me take this oportunity to welcome you. You do a fine job on that camera and us steelers sure enjoy watching and hearing Tommy play.



Posted: 20 Aug 2000 3:18 am
by Joe Casey
One the best shows since B&F took over the Opry. I see only improvement each week.You have got to be impressed with Brad Paisley.And Jim Heffernan I'm glad took that little ride before the show went off camera to show you one of Nashvilles best.Plenty of steel last night. George the IV certainly would make a comeback with that kind of backing.The Derailers are excellent and I was wondering where Milsap got that excellent steel work from until they put the camera on T.W. I ran the sound through my Stereo system and it was like being there.


Posted: 20 Aug 2000 8:00 am
by Bob Hempker
I know this is drifting a bit from the thread, but I also thought Geo. IV did an exellent job mc'ing. I think TNN is missing the boat by not getting veteran C/W entertainers who have a likable personality, and have a good background in Country Music to host shows on TNN, if they ever have any more. Seems like they always get a Gary Chapman or Crook and Chase, or someone that just plain "aint Country." Eddie Stubbs would be great with a show of his own on TNN, but we all know that will never happen.
