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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 14 May 2000 6:44 pm    
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Thought I would share this with the rest of you...

A few weeks ago, I made a comment in a post about the "sound balance" on the televised portion of the Opry. There have been times that it was "far less than perfect" IMHO. I know that the audio on a live show with so many acts isn't an easy job, but I thought they could do a better job than they had been doing.

Well, last night I received a very nice e-mail from none other than Tim Farris, the guy who is now doing the mixing of the Opry for radio and T.V.. Seems Tim just took on this job a few weeks ago, and he wanted me to know that "there's a new Sheriff in town", and that we would see a noticeable improvement in the audio. He shared with me some of the many problems encountered with the job, as well as agreeing with me that some of the shows that aired before he started had left much to be desired "soundwise".

I wanted to thank Tim publicly for taking the time and trouble to respond to me, and also to thank him for reading our little "FORUM". Tim seems determined to make the sound as good as possible, and I have to admit that the past few shows have been an improvment over those of a only few months ago.

I can only hope that there are more like him on the way...people that listen, and care about what we think, and say.

[This message was edited by Donny Hinson on 14 May 2000 at 07:46 PM.]

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Janice Brooks

Pleasant Gap Pa
Post  Posted 14 May 2000 7:09 pm    
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to Donny: Thanks for writing.

Also thanks to all the guys around Nashville and the opry who truely tell it like it is behind the scenes of live radio and TV. We hope you will continue to take note of our compliments or
opinions of problems.

Janice "Busgal" Brooks
ICQ 44729047
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Ron Page


Penn Yan, NY USA
Post  Posted 15 May 2000 6:38 am    
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POWER TO THE PEOPLE! Especially the steel guitar totin', country music lovin' breed.

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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 15 May 2000 12:12 pm    
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Bob H.,

Tim did mention in his letter that the long-time head of the Opry audio had to take a medical leave due to an extended bout with cancer. If this is your friend Vic, I am truly sorry. Perhaps you should try to get in touch with him.

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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 20 May 2000 1:53 pm    
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The TV Opry NEVER has had "a match" for the great sound delivered over WSM Radio in the 40-50's. It seems that the more complex and sophisticated the sound systems have become, the less that was required by the stations to have a knowledgeable person behind the board. Old mikes, guitars and amps.....with skilled musicians like Martin and Garland, the greater the sound. Gee's I miss it! The last 20 years of Opry on TV has killed c/w music for me. No great loss for guys like Brooks, etc.,but I never listened to him anyway.,
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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 23 May 2000 9:33 pm    
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Now I know the reason why the sound and steel is coming out better lately on the Grand OLd Opry. New Sound man that cares. eh?
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