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Dobro's Selling In Walmart

Posted: 25 May 2000 4:14 am
by Andy Alford
Walmart has a music store with Regal Dobro's for sale at their location in Trustville Alabama.What do you think?

Posted: 25 May 2000 4:51 am
by Jim Cohen
"The day that dobros become a mass-market instrument is the day that I'll eat my shorts"
- Smiley Roberts

Posted: 25 May 2000 5:47 am
by g montgomery
The WalMarts in San Francisco sell violins. They also promised some of my friends that flutes would soon be in stock.

Posted: 25 May 2000 6:42 am
by Gerald Ross
Are you guys being tongue-in-cheek or are you for real.

Actually my first guitar was a Montgomery Wards $29 special when I was 14. I had to beg my parents for the money. They agreed to half of the dough. They thought that this would be another one of my abandoned projects. Little did they know that the guitar would be my key to fame and fortune. Image

Posted: 25 May 2000 7:26 am
by Jim Cohen
Gerald, for future reference, my tongue is almost always in my cheek.

<center><font size=1>(Where the heck did that expression come from anyway?)<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jim Cohen on 25 May 2000 at 08:26 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 25 May 2000 8:02 am
by chris ivey
jim, did you want chocolate on those shorts?

Posted: 25 May 2000 9:09 am
by Jim Cohen

<font size=1>(Anyway, it was Smiley who said that, not me.)

Posted: 25 May 2000 6:16 pm
by Joe Casey
Believe me there is chocolate in Imageey's shorts.


Posted: 25 May 2000 9:43 pm
by Smiley Roberts
Nay,nay little Jaseco. It was not I who spoketh.(you sure know how to get my attention,don't you? have you been takin' lessons from Casey?). And besides.....
(and Joe Casey.) (nyuk,nyuk)

<font face="monospace" size="3"><pre> ~ ~

Posted: 26 May 2000 6:25 am
Sears and Wards has sold instruments for years so I guess you could say that Walmart is taking over.
Have a great day, Chuck

Posted: 26 May 2000 4:59 pm
by Andy Alford
Lets get the steel to the masses.It is happening with dobro's that are priced right.