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Update to Twangcast

Posted: 2 Dec 1999 7:28 pm
by Paul Stertz
This is an update to a previous post I had concerning a country radio broadcast with Internet Explorer 5. Twangcast has a website, so even if you don't have IE5, you can still listen to this broadcast. The wesite address is . They seem to play a nice selection of traditional country songs, and when nobody's looking, they slip in a b@nj* song.

Posted: 3 Dec 1999 10:10 am
by Steve England
I've been listening to Twangcat at work since I first found it a couple of weeks ago. As far as radio goes it is a great station. It can be a littel heavy on the Alt. country stuff sometimes. but what the heck! they're playing Johnny Paycheck while i'm writing this and that can't be bad

Posted: 5 Dec 1999 4:29 pm
by John Egenes
Thanks a lot for the pointer, Paul. It's a great station. Took me a bit to get it installed, with Netscape, but it's working like a beauty now.



Posted: 6 Dec 1999 5:53 am
by Ken Tinsman
Thanks for the tip! I've been listening to Twangcast all afternoon. This is good stuff.

Posted: 7 Dec 1999 5:18 pm
by John Egenes

Once again I gotta thank you for the tip. This has got to be the coolest radio station on the net. If you guys want to hear wonderful steel guitar you've gotta check out this Twangcast site. More PSG than ANY mainstream country station you'll hear anywhere. Lots of old stuff, and new stuff that sounds old. I'm loving this thang....

Posted: 7 Dec 1999 6:56 pm
by Paul Stertz
I'm glad to hear those of you trying that site are enjoying it. I thought too that it had more steel than any others I've heard. I find myself listening to it more and more lately. Now if only I can tune in at work. Hmmm.

Posted: 7 Dec 1999 7:01 pm
by Jim Smith
I listen to it some at work. Is it just me or are they playing the same songs in the same rotation over and over again. Seems like I hear George Jones live version of "No Show Jones" at least twice a day and it seems to be followed by the same song each time, and the same pleas for money.

Posted: 12 Dec 1999 3:05 pm
by John Egenes
I don't mind their pleas for money. FWIW, it's a completely non-commercial station. These guys are trying to put out some good music and doing a pretty darned good job of it. Heck, I'm probably gonna send 'em a few bucks. I really doubt if these guys are making much off of this. I think it's more a labor of love on their part.