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Arlen Roth video

Posted: 10 Feb 2000 3:19 pm
by Ted Smith
I've been dieing to get down to music here and talk about this new Arlen Roth video, "Lap Steel Guitar". I haven't had time to watch it all but it looks great. He uses a National and an old Rick and starts right off in good Hawaiian style that I think is really going to surprise a lot of people who think of Hot Licks videos as kid rock. I've known Arlen since '81 and he was introduced to us as a hot lap steel player, of course back then it wasn't cool, but Hey, that was then-this is now. Right?

Anyone else seen this video, and what were thier thoughts??


Posted: 10 Feb 2000 3:32 pm
by J D Sauser
No! I haven't seen the video and until now, I haven't even known of it's existance. So, where did'ya get it from?
... J-D.

Posted: 10 Feb 2000 3:37 pm
by Brad Bechtel
I hadn't known the video existed until you mentioned it, Ted. I don't see it listed on the Hot Licks web site, so I'm assuming it's brand new.

Brad's Page of Steel:
A web site devoted to acoustic & electric lap steel guitars

Posted: 10 Feb 2000 4:45 pm
by Ted Smith
I looked and looked and I can't find the name of the guy that told me about it last week, to give credit where credit was do, so whoever that was, if you're out there speak up, and I am really sorry for forgetting who that was.

Anyway, I got the 800 number here.
800-388-3008 and they have email on their web site.

This was comp., do we have a neutral guy who's a borderline beginner to give it a try and a review out there? I'll send this one to them.


Posted: 10 Feb 2000 6:24 pm
by Don Sutley
I consider myself a borderline beginner who's reasonably objective. I'd be glad to review it.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Brad Bechtel on 11 February 2000 at 09:28 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 10 Feb 2000 7:35 pm
by Gerald Ross
What tunings does he use? What percentage
Hawaiian? What other styles?


Posted: 10 Feb 2000 7:54 pm
by Andy Alford

I would love to review it for the Forum.

Posted: 10 Feb 2000 8:34 pm
by mikey
Hey! Why don't we pass it around and get several reviews,

Posted: 10 Feb 2000 9:19 pm
by Ted Smith
I've been building Gerald and haven't had the time to really study it. And I like to see if a video really works by seeing what somebody learns from it. Sometimes players presume beginners know terms etc. and can miss it,(I have dad on tape saying "of course you're born knowing your triads"). Arlen's focus has been on teaching is why I think this may be a really good one.

I think hearing a couple of reviews would be really a good idea Mikey. We're giving Hotlicks a ton of exposure here so I don't think they'll mind the comp., Send me an address on my email Don and I'll send it out to you right away. I guess we'll draw a number from there to be fair. Brad, can you take care of that?


Posted: 10 Feb 2000 9:49 pm
by Patrick Ickes
Hey Ted,
Is there an audio version? I don't got no TV here.

Posted: 11 Feb 2000 6:43 am
by Mike D
Count me in. Please

Posted: 11 Feb 2000 9:30 am
by Brad Bechtel
Although I think it's a pretty good idea to get various people's opinions on this video, I would not want to start passing around a copyrighted video throught this forum. I plan on buying a copy for myself, and I'll certainly post my opinion.
If you want to do such an exchange, please do it outside of the forum.

Brad's Page of Steel:
A web site devoted to acoustic & electric lap steel guitars

Posted: 11 Feb 2000 10:39 am
by Ted Smith
I talked to Andy (in charge of Hotlicks) this morning Brad, and he was all for guys reviewing it. He gave the first one to me with the same thought that a review will let people know about it but that's fine, I'll still send this one to Don just on my own here.

I watched it closely early this morning Gerald. Starts off with Hawaiian, really nice stuff, in open E with Right hand block, good Slants, some Hank Williams country, then some Lindley with what he calls Sax Phrasing, good pedal steel chokes. I think this is the best overall lap steel video I've seen, in that he covers everything. Some "ok" Sleep Walk then what he calls High G bass(open G Dobro), sold me, I put it in as a package deal on the hotsheet and I wish I could give it to every beginner. It's more than just basics, it covers stuff you want to get doing. I got to get down his Blues Lead with constant Bass behind it in his ex.17, sounds like an entire Blues band playing, I could do that all night long.


Posted: 12 Feb 2000 10:11 am
by sliding bill
Where do I get a copy (PAL format) - how much and when can I have it ?

I have surfed a little with no joy.

Can someone help me please.

This sort of thing will be as rare as rocking horse droppings in the UK so I will need to import I imagine (as with everything else steely)!!!!!

Could someone post some help or maybe mail me ?

Thanks guys

Bill Dalton

Posted: 13 Feb 2000 9:54 pm
by Murray Cullen
I didn't know he was a steel player, cuz he isn't a natural on guitar, that I know.

Posted: 29 Feb 2000 11:10 am
by Ted Smith
Bill, Your question's been on my mind and I really feel for you guys overseas not being able to get what we take for granted.
I talked to Hotlicks today on delivery on tapes we already have ordered and asked them about PAL format. They will have it available in a couple of months and it should be available in England by then.
