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String Spacing Dobro/pedal steel?

Posted: 21 Jan 2000 5:58 pm
by Brian Stear
Don't worry guys, I have'nt given up my Dual Prof. yet. But I've been bitten by the Dobro bug and been playing it on the C-6, strings 3-8. I was wondering about the spacing since it seems almost immpossible to do adjacent string slants. Plus since I'm pressing down on extra strings ( 9,10 ) it seems like I have to press harder. Do you guys "dig" into your Dobros?
I'm having a little trouble pulling strings behind the bar also. What's the verdict guys? Am I asking too much from me and my steel? Should I break down and get one, or knuckle down and "dig" in? I know one thing. I'm hooked! Keep listening to the Great Dobro Sessions over and over and over......Brian

Posted: 21 Jan 2000 7:42 pm
by gerry szostak
those slants on adjacent strings will work. some vibrato helps. if by digging in you mean pushing down on the steel harder, it will just complicate matters. by the way most of the takes on dobro sessions are played on guitars tuned to g. gbdgbd from the low end to the top. keep on picking dobro .it's the sound that's going around.