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Welcome New Moderator, Brad Bechtel

Posted: 22 Dec 1999 7:55 pm
by b0b
I'd like to welcome Brad Bechtel as the new moderator of the "No Peddlers" area. Brad is a lap steel expert, and maintains what may be oldest steel guitar site on the Internet ( Brad's Page of Steel at ). He's a very busy guy, and I'm thrilled that he agreed to spend a bit of his time helping out here.

Welcome to the Steel Guitar Forum staff, Brad.

-b0b- Image ... click
-System Administrator

Posted: 22 Dec 1999 11:10 pm
by John Egenes
Welcome aboard, Brad! Seems like these non-pedalers are a pretty mellow bunch...not like those testosterone-poisoned pedal steel players (grin). So you shouldn't have to break up too many fist fights.
Thanks for helping out around here

Posted: 23 Dec 1999 2:29 am
by Jon Light
Excellent choice.

Posted: 23 Dec 1999 8:15 am
by Bob Stone
I agree. Excellent choice! Thanks for taking time to help out.

Happy Holidays.

Posted: 23 Dec 1999 9:39 am
by Mike Tatro
Molotov! Brad (a little Jewish humor for the Holidays ;-).

BTW, thanks for that Commander Cody URL - they did indeed have "Country Casanova."

Posted: 23 Dec 1999 10:16 am
by Brad Bechtel
Thanks, everyone. I plan on mostly letting things run their course. Occasionally I'll try to fix any URL references so you can click on the URL and have the web page come up, but otherwise I don't plan on editing spelling or grammar, or anything else.
Now if I can only update MY website...

Brad's Page of Steel:
A web site devoted to acoustic & electric lap steel guitars

Posted: 23 Dec 1999 1:52 pm
Absolutely the right choice and the best man for the Job Bob!

I don't know how many of you have had the chance to talk with Brad one on one, but my opinion is he has a great attitude and real love for this Steel/Slide. And Brad, I think you've been basically doing the job for some time now, good to see you getting the recognition.

I agree with John in the above comment, I don't think there is a more likable bunch then the non-peddlers circle!

Merry Christmas everybody.


Posted: 23 Dec 1999 8:42 pm
by Larry Kunkel
Seasons Greeting Brad, and thanks to you and all those involved in this site. I guess that includes everyone who uses this site. You've all been a big help to me.

Posted: 23 Dec 1999 8:47 pm
by Don Walters
Excellent choice, b0b! I've noticed that Brad is one of those people who doesn't say a lot, at least as far as posting to the Forum is concerned. When he does, it's well worth reading. When I'm really busy and only have time to "spot check" the Forum, I will always read a thread that has something by Brad in it.

Congratulations, Brad. I know you'll do a great job.

Don Walters
get "listed" at the World Wide Steel Guitarist Directory
(aka On-Line Steel Guitarists of the World)

Posted: 24 Dec 1999 8:05 am
by Mike Dennis

After seeing what Junior Brown could do with a straight steel I began looking for one to play... I really liked the sound of Junior's tuning.... and the idea of the portability of a non pedal instrument.

Our local music store had a few beat up specimens from years gone by... I wanted something modern with a clean sound and rich tone.

Brad's Page of Steel was one of the first sites I landed on and it was there that I found link's to Melobar Guitars and B0b's Steel Guitar Forum.

Posted: 26 Dec 1999 7:21 pm
by Ronnie H
Brad You Da' Man we've known it all along! What you can't field usually John T. can!

Congratulations [or is this more like w-o-r-k?] Image