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Author Topic:  Deck The Halls - Pick Blocking
Gary Shepherd

Fox, Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 25 Dec 2004 1:13 pm    
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I'be been playing around at Christmas tunes for the last week or so. This one was so easy that I thought I'd share it. I also arranged the tune with harmony all the way through it. But this single string version makes for a cool pick blocking exercise.

Deck The Halls
E9 Pedal Steel
Arr: Gary Shepherd

Tuning : B D E F# G# B E G# D# F# Time Signature: 4/4

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Gary Shepherd

Sierra Session D-10

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Johnny Baldwin

Long Beach, California, USA
Post  Posted 28 Dec 2004 8:22 am    
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Thanks for the tab of Deck the Halls. It added to our Christmas. It ain't everyday you sing along with a PSG.

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