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Share a Lick/Turnaround "Video" by Ricky Davis

Posted: 14 Jul 1999 10:34 pm
by Ricky Davis
Well it's all done. I shot a video of me playing all the E9th pedal steel Tab I have posted on the Share a Lick/Turnaround section. I now have it availiable for sale and it has close to 40 licks; turnarounds; solos and the tablature is included in the order that I shot it. So just send a money order; or cashiers check; or personal check for $25.00; and I will ship it to you with the tab. If you are out of the United States; please include a little more if you can: That would help. Here is my address:
1325 E. LOGAN ST.
Thanks to everyone that has encourged me to do this, and it was a "blast".
Ricky Davis

Posted: 19 Jul 1999 10:02 am
by Ricky Davis
Just bringin' her back up; in case someone missed it. Yea I know; I'm a real business man now Image Image Image

Posted: 20 Jul 1999 9:32 pm
by Randy Reimer
Is this a "talk-through" kind of tape, and about how long is it?

<font size = -2> Enquiring minds want to know! Image

Posted: 20 Jul 1999 10:30 pm
by Ricky Davis
Hey Randy; thanks for asking. This is a video that I cut of just all the tab I have posted on the e9th pedal steel. There are 35 solos and licks and turnarounds total on there. I posted all that tab; and I know how sometimes it can be hard to tell just how to play them. So I just played exactly what I tabbed and the tablature is included. I did say some helpful hints on some of the tab; but mainly did it; so you can hear how I play them. It is 10 minutes long and I will follow it up with a whole talk through instructional video; hopefully this winter. I am wanting to do an instructional video of the styles of pedal steel from the sixtys and seventies if I can get some help from some of my friends. I hope that helps you in your question about it; and it is very clear and the Sho~Bud sounds really good on that tape. Thanks.

Posted: 2 Jul 2000 8:03 am
by Chuck Hall
I wonder if this will bump to the top?

Posted: 4 Jul 2000 1:13 am
by Ricky Davis
Thank Joe for your nice words. I totally forgot about this video until ya'll brought it up. I figured I sold to everyone that wanted it; and now I guess I need to bust into a new one if I can find just five minutes in the next month or so Image

Posted: 4 Jul 2000 7:49 am
by Bill Terry
I got it when Ricky first put it together and it's been a big help for me. Good camera work so you can see hands and feet all at the same time and even though it's not intended to teach technique you get a good look at 'the right way' to do it.


Posted: 6 Jul 2000 7:40 pm
by Rich Young
So Ricky, when are you going to do a video for us non-pedalers? Watching you play, I KNOW I don't have some of those notes on MY guitar!

Posted: 6 Jul 2000 11:29 pm
by Ricky Davis
Hey Rich I would love to do a Non-pedal video; and I'm alomst there on my teaching techniques for that instrument. It is more difficut to teach becuase of the variations in tunings for one. I also am finding out that alot of folks don't look at that neck the way I do. Everyone seems to gain their knowledge of the chords; notes(numbers)or intervals; from so many different sources and my source is just one way from about 10 different ways; I'm finding out. I would love to be able to do a teaching video on how I look at the neck; kinda like the way we worked on it Rich; but I gained my knowledge from looking at a pedal steel guitar neck from so many years and someone that has never played a pedal steel would diffinatly not look at it the way I do.
What do you(ya'll) think one would like to see on a video by>say> myself?

Ricky Davis

Posted: 7 Jul 2000 11:29 am
by Ricky Davis
Hey Joe I could diffinatly handle that cause that is the way I teach that tuning and understand and look at it myself.
I tune my SSHAWAIIAN that way.
For an 8 string non-pedal(which is most popular)I tune it very similar to the pedal steel E9th.
<font face="monospace" size="3"><pre>
Non pedal pedal steel
G# (3rd string)
E (4th string)
C# (5th string "A" pedal)
B (5th string)
G# (6th string)
F# (7th string)
E (8th string)
D (9th string)

See the exactness there.
And as a pedal steel player we know what the pedals do to a string and so I use the slant to get that same chord structure that the pedal used to do; and start with that basic idea.
Yeah I might work on that for a tape or video; but I am still way busy right now with everything and will probably look towards the end of the summer to tackle something like that.
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ricky Davis on 07 July 2000 at 12:31 PM.]</p></FONT>