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Probably dumb question re: volume pedal w/lap steel

Posted: 7 Nov 2023 7:01 am
by Mark Evans
Been playing about 12 years (weissenborn)… and am considering a volume pedal. Tried a wah (I know… just love that sound) but when the knee starts moving and the guitar begins bobbing up and down, I get a bit discombobulated.

Would I have to migrate to a stand for the Weiss? Wish there was some ‘sideways’ controller for a stand alone pedal.

Other options?
This is a silly question?

Posted: 7 Nov 2023 7:16 am
by Karlis Abolins
Try moving your foot on the pedal to a different position. My Lehle volume pedal works very nicely with my foot moved forward. In the right position, there is very little up and down motion of my knee.

Posted: 7 Nov 2023 8:09 am
by Joe A. Roberts
I agree that it’s probably down to positioning.
Jerry Byrd used his left foot on the volume pedal, might be worth a try.

Posted: 7 Nov 2023 11:50 am
by Stephen Cowell
Most lap steelers put the pedal way out front so that the knee angle doesn't change when the pedal changes. This means that you probably don't want a low-profile pedal like a Goodrich etc... but YMMV.

I prefer a stand myself.

Posted: 8 Nov 2023 7:53 am
by Fred
I've always used a regular Ernie Ball volume pedal with lap steel. With correct foot position position my knee barely moves. It's raised a bit from the height of the pedal but I'm used to that.

Move your heel closer to the pivot point of the pedal and you'll find that your calf will move forward and back as your ankle pivots, but your knee just stays in place.

Posted: 9 Nov 2023 1:20 pm
by Tony Oresteen
I made a stand for two of my lap steels. I sit and the vol pedal works as normal.


Problem solved.