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Headphone Quality on Quilter 202?

Posted: 31 Oct 2023 10:15 am
by Chris Grigsby
Hi, can anyone tell me how the headphone output sounds on the Quilter Tone Block 202? Does it include a cab simulation? Any other amps with a good headphone out? I tried one on the Telonics and it sounded horrible because there wasn't a cab sim on it.


Posted: 31 Oct 2023 12:55 pm
by Brett Lanier
Yes, the "sig out" on the front has a speaker cab sim on it. Sounds good to me.

When the toggle switch is set to pre it'll give you a mono signal, and bypasses the master control. Post will give you a L/R mix for your headphones and the master control will determine the output level.

The thing I don't like about practicing with headphones with the Quilter is that if you're running tracks into the fx return, it comes through in mono and doesn't sound great. If you have an interface or mixer at home, you could get around this by playing the tracks through two channels of the mixer panned left and right, then use a TRS->Y cable out of the sig out into two channels of the mixer. Then use the headphone out of the mixer.