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12-string, 1" bar?

Posted: 6 Oct 2023 3:22 am
by Roger Rettig
I'd like to try one.

BJS are sold out.

I do have a standard length 7/8" BJS (plain nose) that we could trade.

Posted: 6 Oct 2023 5:36 am
by Ian Rae
Is this because of your sprauncy new D13 tuning? I play B6/E9 and I never want or need to cover all 12

Posted: 6 Oct 2023 6:02 am
by Roger Rettig
No, Ian.

I went to a longer bar (15/16th") before I got the 12 string. I found I preferred it immediately because it filled my hand better than a standard length bar.

I researched the subject and found that Paul F. advocates selecting a bar according to one's hand size and not the span of the strings. I'm quite able to play the D13th with a short bar, but the long bar helped enormously even playing my D10.

On my new D13th, I do find that I get a little 'chatter' on the lower frets caused, no doubt, by the variations in string gauges. I wonder if a 1" bar might solve that issue.

Posted: 6 Oct 2023 9:38 am
by Ian Rae
Perfect sense. I'm aware of the Franklin Principle (although I find a standard bar fits my hand just fine).

Posted: 6 Oct 2023 10:19 am
by Roger Rettig
I was surprised at how much better it felt.

I have played 15/16" standard bars for years. I wish I had tried a long one years ago!

Posted: 6 Oct 2023 11:31 am
by Bill McCloskey
Roger I have a 5" x 7/8" if you are interested

Posted: 6 Oct 2023 12:08 pm
by Roger Rettig
Thanks, Bill, but it's sorted now.

Close it up, please.