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Raising 6 from G# to B on E9…

Posted: 2 Oct 2023 8:37 am
by Chris Scruggs
I’m considering adding a zero pedal change, raising 6 from G# to B and 7 from F# to G#. This, combined with the A pedal would give me a very playable interpretation of Don Helms’ E6 tuning. Would this be too crazy of a pull, if I use a .020 plain for my sixth string? I know a .020 plain from A to B is common on C6, but I’m wanting a 1.5 step raise and I just wonder if that’s too extreme and sudden a change for that string.

Posted: 2 Oct 2023 9:14 am
by Jerry Overstreet
You'd have to inquire of him about the string gauge, but Mr. Paul Franklin used this middle G# to B change for a few years. I'm guessing he used the .020 as listed in his other copedent charts but guess it is.

Posted: 2 Oct 2023 9:30 am
by Greg Cutshaw
I have that change on all my guitars. It works with a .022" plain on my MSA Legend. Its works with a .026" wound on my Sierra and Excel guitars tuned to D13.

Posted: 2 Oct 2023 11:55 am
by Paddy Long
I have that change on my Franklin E9th vertical lever .. 020 plain string - works a treat !

Posted: 8 Oct 2023 10:43 pm
by Andrew Frost
I’m considering adding a zero pedal change, raising 6 from G# to B and 7 from F# to G#
That two string pull would be a useful change.. A cool way to maintain the 3rd and 5th in the E6/E13 voicing as you describe. If you had it on a lever, you'd be able to still do the Helms tuning stuff, but another use would be with pedals down A6, where it would effectively be what pedal 7 is to C6, raising the 6th and root up a whole tone...

6A - > B
7F# - > G#

Posted: 12 Oct 2023 7:42 pm
by Tony Dingus
I did that on my JCH SD10 on a vertical to get E6/E13. It worked great. I'm thinking about putting that on my Russler SD10 .


Posted: 16 Oct 2023 4:08 pm
by Chris Scruggs
Tony, was it comfortable to press the A pedal and keep that vertical engaged for an entire song? My idea would be to use this combo to play entire songs at a time… Given the other changes I’d have on my copedent, vertical is looking like a likely location for this change.

Posted: 17 Oct 2023 7:39 am
by Larry Ball

I recently purchased a “Show-Pro” which came with the G# to B change on the Vertical. I was going to consider changing that pull to a B to Bb. However with the A and B pedal down with the vertical it makes better change for me.

Posted: 17 Oct 2023 11:09 am
by Tony Dingus
Chris, I don't think ever used it for a entire song but you should be able to adjust the vertical where it would be comfortable to use for a whole song. I'm raising my 6th to B and I'm going to add the 7th pull. It's been several years since I had that change.


Posted: 23 Oct 2023 12:50 pm
by Tony Dingus
Chris, I added the 7th string raise to my vertical with the 6th string raise to B. For me using that and A pedal for a whole would be very tiring. It was ok when I was a lot younger. The zero pedal would be the best way to go.


Posted: 23 Oct 2023 7:56 pm
by Paul Brainard
My first steel (a dreaded red-stained Maverick) had that G#-B pull on the B pedal, along with G#-A on string 3. I learned the basics with that on there, until I eventually realized it was wrong & it took me forever to get used to pulling both G#'s to A. I tried valiantly to get the Mav to do it but it would always slip back to B. I traded it off for a Squire P-Bass (a substantial gain) and then years later I was on a gig where I had heard the opening band had a steel I could use so I didn't bring mine - much to my surprise it was that old dog, and sure enough it was still pulling 6 up to B! I still miss it sometimes. . .