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Yet another question about Quilter

Posted: 17 Aug 2023 11:32 am
by Jeff Buesing
Should I buy the Quilter tt12 or tt15? Why or why not? I play only E9th. Thanks!

Posted: 17 Aug 2023 5:23 pm
by K Maul
Lots of people are happy with the 12 and I am one of them. I play standard E9 and D9 with a low D on string 10. I like the clarity and it handles the low notes well. I have a Toneblock 202 and Quilter cab with a TT 12.

Posted: 18 Aug 2023 3:25 am
by Jack Stoner
If you are a "must have 15" type go with the 15" version. That's the only reason I can think of over the 12" version. I have the 12"version and my opinion the best steel amp.

Posted: 18 Aug 2023 5:58 am
by Dale Rottacker
I grew up and maintained a MUST HAVE 15" until the last 5-6 years, but have totally changed that opinion. I have both the Quilter 202 12" Combo and then a seperate Quilter 15" Cabinet. The 15" adds to the overall sound, but if 12" was all I had I'd feel like I had it all.

I play, or try to play both E9th & C6th, but that said, the 12" all by itself handles C6th like it was designed specifically for C6th.

Here's something you may want to consider:

Paul Franklin D10 E9th/C6th - uses 12" - plays a ton of Country & Jazz
Johnny Cox S12 D13th - plays a ton of Country & Jazz
Buck Reid D10 E9th/C6th - uses 12" - plays a ton of Country & Jazz
MANY others as well,,, I believe Rick Schmidt with a D12, and MANY others I'm only 90% sure of so won't mention.

Point is, if these GREAT players can play both E9th Country & C6th Jazz with 12", I sure wouldn't be afraid of a 12" speaker ... It'll do the job and save your back as well.

Posted: 18 Aug 2023 6:32 am
by Jim Cooley
Like Dale, I was always a 15" speaker guy. I have both TT12 and TT15. The TT12 changed that. It just does it all.

Posted: 18 Aug 2023 6:46 am
by Bill Duncan
12" speaker. I have both and use the 12" almost always. I have no proof but, I don't believe the 12" speaker is as focused as the 15".

Posted: 18 Aug 2023 8:35 pm
by John Groover McDuffie
I think the 15" preference is mainly because the C6 has such a low range.

Remember, for a long time Brumley used a tweed 4x10" Bassman.

Posted: 19 Aug 2023 2:55 am
by Roger Crawford
I guess I’m the odd man out. I like the 15”, it just sounded better to my tired old ears.

Posted: 20 Aug 2023 4:21 am
by Eric Philippsen
The TT12 is blessedly lightweight. Of course it’s big brother is larger and weighs more.

I have the TT12. I’m happy with it.

Posted: 20 Aug 2023 5:44 am
by Dale Rottacker
Roger Crawford wrote:I guess I’m the odd man out. I like the 15”, it just sounded better to my tired old ears.
It was fortuitous for me that you ARE the odd man out ;-) I got a great amp because of it. And adding a 15" cabinet to the 12" cabinet is just Nirvana. So maybe the question shouldn't be 12" OR 15", but rather, "What do ya'll think of 27" ? the combination just may be the ticket and still light enough to be easy on our backs.

Posted: 21 Aug 2023 4:44 am
by Bruce Blackburn
Dale, there you go again; thinking outside the box…

Posted: 6 Sep 2023 2:53 pm
by Wade Romonosky
I don't want Roger to feel alone. I too have both but the TT15 is much better for me and my s10 Zum