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Combating String Noise

Posted: 4 Aug 2023 2:40 pm
by Steve Morrell
Good evening ye sages of steel - I've been playing for about a year now, and I love it! Prof. musician, but brand new to steel.

I realized the other night that I am avoiding playing in the lower register of the instrument and it occurred to me that the reason is all the string noise generated by the bar sliding on the wound strings. I am working on my bar technique such that I can keep my left thumb more or less muting those strings and that's helping. But how do you deal with it when you're playing 6ths on 6 & 10, or 5 & 8?

I have a good bar (BJ's 7/8")

Thoughts? and thanks in advance

Posted: 4 Aug 2023 5:16 pm
by Ricky Davis
Well Nickel wound are better for me back when I suffered this; and all the overtones of any string happen BEHIND the get those fingers down on the strings behind the bar as it moves. You don't need to push down behind bar just drag the fingers the way you drag the bar.
I have a few more techniques; but start with those first.

Posted: 4 Aug 2023 5:24 pm
by Donny Hinson
What Ricky said! 8)

Also, pick with authority, as the louder the played notes, the less noticeable any bar noise is. I tend to block the unplayed lower strings with the edge of my right hand, but not all players can do that, depending on their hand position.

Posted: 4 Aug 2023 6:18 pm
by Tucker Jackson
Another thought: play with a band. Problem solved. You won't even be able to hear your own notes, much less string noise. :eek:

Posted: 4 Aug 2023 8:19 pm
by Jon Voth
I asked this once, and I may not remember exactly but I think Erv said Chrome plated bar with Nickel strings (which is what you have). And I do also. And it is when traveling downwards mostly. I'm not helping, but letting you know I suffer from this also. Playing something I hear in a recording that doesn't have the noise. There is some magic in the studio that I haven't figured out.

Posted: 4 Aug 2023 9:24 pm
by Bobby D. Jones
If the problem is overtones some good suggestions have been posted.

If a certain material steel bar is used playing on certain types of steel guitar strings, Like Stainless Steel bar on Stainless Steel Strings, Sometimes will make a Whizzzzzzing noise as the bar is moved.

Some string windings also seem to form little rough places as the winding is sharply bent and wrapped around the core wire, Forming a wound string. Will put drag on the bar and on your hand.

An old trick I learned from my bluegrass days, And I have used on steel guitars for years. When I change strings on any string instrument, I pull the strings about 5 times, From core wire toward the ball end, Through a ball of 0000 steel wool. It smooths off the little rough places off the strings. Makes the bar slide smoother, Less places to hold sweat and dirt. And cuts the whizzzzzzz down, As bar is slid down neck.

Posted: 5 Aug 2023 7:33 am
by Erv Niehaus
You're correct.
Use a chrome bar on nickel strings.
Best combination. :D

Posted: 5 Aug 2023 6:58 pm
by Steve Morrell
Thanks to everyone for the tips. I'll try 'em all, but the picking with authority suggestion seems like it might be especially relevant. I think I play too soft. Aa a beginner, and a sucker for ballads, I tend to play at lower dynamics. It occurs to me it may be ok to pick the strings firmly and use the volume pedal to tone down the dynamics.
