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Bobby Lee Tribute Concert May 7 in Sebastopol, California

Posted: 7 Apr 2023 7:44 am
by Shoshanah Marohn

Many of the musicians who played with Steel Guitar Forum creator Bobby Lee are having a tribute concert at HopMonk in Sebastopol, California May 7, 2023, Noon-5PM. I won't be able to attend, because I have some lambs due on my sheep farm in Wisconsin at that time, but my sister(s) and step-mother will probably be there. These are all great bands, of course, and all friends of b0b's. It's bound to be a nice crowd, probably "more musicians than people," as my dad used to say. :D

Much deserved celebration with friends and family!

Posted: 30 Apr 2023 3:21 pm
by Donna Dodd
I thought the world of your dad, and would give anything to be there! What a celebration it will be!!!
Love to Bobby Lee and Family!!

Posted: 14 Aug 2023 10:07 am
by Jim Fogle
Any update or feedback about the tribute? What did us on the East Coast miss?