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Third channel out on BR1600 - Advice?

Posted: 1 Mar 2023 1:15 pm
by Fred Rogan
When I try to record on the 3rd channel of my 1600, all I get is a very faint signal that may be also be coming in and out (can't tell really it's so weak but the signal is there). I get this whether I am recording from the 1/4" or the XLR input. All the knobs are where they should be to get a proper level but it ain't happening. All other channels are working properly.
Advice/comments on options:
Just record around it - 7 channels is still more than the Beatles had.
Send it off to Roland?
Some home rememdy?

And I ain't complaining, I've had this for 20+ years and this is the first instance of trouble!!
thanks for your insights

Posted: 1 Mar 2023 8:09 pm
by Rick Campbell
If you don't need that many channels, I'd just ignore it. For what it would cost to fix it, you could probably get a DAW setup.


Posted: 2 Mar 2023 4:42 pm
by Fred Rogan
Thanks Rick but...
Embarrassing admission: In going through everything I found all the pots on the EQ were turned all the way down. Not sure how that happened but it happened and you get no playback on that channel when it happens. So, I am thankful the old 1600 is still firing on all cylinders!!

Posted: 2 Mar 2023 7:31 pm
by Rick Campbell
Fred Rogan wrote:Thanks Rick but...
Embarrassing admission: In going through everything I found all the pots on the EQ were turned all the way down. Not sure how that happened but it happened and you get no playback on that channel when it happens. So, I am thankful the old 1600 is still firing on all cylinders!!
That's even better. Got it all working. I've found that most of my studio problems end up being "pilot error". I guess it goes with the territory. Hope you will post some of your work.


Posted: 3 Mar 2023 8:47 am
by Fred Rogan
Thank you for mentioning my posting something but I can't get this to accept an mp3. Is that format blocked or am I doing it wrong?

Posted: 3 Mar 2023 9:00 am
by Rick Campbell
Fred Rogan wrote:Thank you for mentioning my posting something but I can't get this to accept an mp3. Is that format blocked or am I doing it wrong?
The forum will not accept file uploads, except photos. What most do isi make a YouTube then post the link here.


Posted: 3 Mar 2023 9:03 am
by Fred Rogan
Learn something every day.
Thanks Rick

Posted: 3 Mar 2023 9:15 am
by Rick Campbell
Fred Rogan wrote:Learn something every day.
Thanks Rick
Let me know if I can help. There’s nothing better than hearing other people play music. I can hear all the pros I want to hear, I often find gems of good licks in the playing of other players.