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Author Topic:  MS Defender Memory Integrity
Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2022 7:49 am    
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A new issue has recently cropped up in Windows Defender (anti-virus) for Win 11 and I believe Win 10.

Defender's "Memory Integrity" function has been updated and is now flagging some drivers ".inf" files as security risk and the memory integrity function cannot be turned on until the flagged drivers (and/or .sys) are updated or removed. My list included some drivers no longer needed and they were deleted. However, I still have a fully functional Frontier Tranzport (wireless DAW controller) and the drivers for this are on my list. Frontier is gone so no new "secure" drivers will ever be issued. Thus the Defender memory integrity will never get enabled. Maybe a 3rd party AV is an option, but I've had some DAW problems back in Win 7 times with 3rd party AV's (tried several).

To delete a listed .inf file, it must be done in a Command Prompt widow (run as administrator).
One I had was "oem45.inf" and the command is: pnputil /delete-driver oem45.inf (there is space between pnputil and /delete and a space between driver and oem

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