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Just found this on You Tube and WOW

Posted: 14 Jul 2022 2:46 pm
by Johnny Baker
I was looking for something else and just stumbled on this guy and what he was able to accomplish, with almost nothing. Forgive me if it's already been posted and discussed. Here it is, enjoy:

Posted: 14 Jul 2022 3:39 pm
by Samuel Phillippe
sweet sounding....amazing workmanship..... thanks for posting


Thinking outside the box?

Posted: 14 Jul 2022 5:50 pm
by Andy DePaule
Thanks for the post.
The resulting PSG seems to work okay.

Thinking outside the box is always good, but with the skill he has I wonder why he didn't go a few steps farther and make a more usable PSG? :eek:

He has 8 strings so why not go for 10. Yes I know loads of great steel music was done on 8 strings. Adding the 2 other strings would have opened up so much.
Adding knee levers again would have added so much more.
Standard style pedals would allow for easy pedal & knee playing:?:
Kind of reminds me of some of the PSG's built by Multichord and others back in the 30's & 40's. They all lost useful value once P.A. Bigsby built his and showed the way of the future.

Hope this is not taken in a negative light as I don't intend that.
Like I said at the start, he has the skill needed to go the extra and I'd love to see his next effort if he does another pedal steel guitar. :D

Posted: 14 Jul 2022 6:22 pm
by Johnny Baker
Yes, I like to find and share good things like this as it shows us all that the proper type of hope, change, creativity, thinking, and action are still something to seek, find, and express, for all to see, share, and love. As I find em, I'll post em. Thanks guys.

Don't get me wrong!

Posted: 14 Jul 2022 7:52 pm
by Andy DePaule
Don't get me wrong! I also love seeing good old American garage science.
I only was thinking he'd be able to do even better if he does another PSG in the future.
His playing was quite good also for a new steel played. :D

PSG Builder

Posted: 15 Jul 2022 3:21 pm
by Reed Ohrbom
Let's invite him to join the Forum !

Re: PSG Builder

Posted: 15 Jul 2022 5:53 pm
by Johnny Baker
Reed Ohrbom wrote:Let's invite him to join the Forum !
Thanks for knocking me in the head and reminding me of my manners. I just did that very thing, a few minutes ago. His You Tube Channel does not give us is email or anything so i had to do it in the chat. Hope he see it but I'll check back, in a few days.

Posted: 15 Jul 2022 5:55 pm
by Johnny Baker
Andy, no offense taken and I don't think anybody will. I agree, he may want to do something different, in the future. I'd certainly love to see what it is, if he does.

Not offended

Posted: 16 Jul 2022 3:17 am
by Andy DePaule
Hi Johnny,
I was Not offended at all. Just wanted to be clear about that.
Best wishes,
Andy :wink:

Posted: 16 Jul 2022 4:52 am
by Glenn Demichele
Nice! That piece of mahogony must be special. Also: one thing I really wish I had on my steels are the fret marker dots you have outside the neck. They would come in handy, especially above the 12th fret where my hand & bar obscure my view of the fretboard. It was also very interesting you chose to actuate the pedals with your heel rather than your toe. I can guarantee you can play that guitar better than anybody on the forum!

Posted: 28 Jul 2022 10:15 am
by Clyde Mattocks
Really nice job of going his own way with the design and enjoyable emotional playing. I like this guy and his way of thinking.