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Author Topic:  Trouble Tuning Pedals on Sho-Bud LDG
Bailey Zick

Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jun 2022 8:17 pm    
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Hi all,

I've been playing a sho-bud ldg for a while now (believe its a '74), and I'm not sure what kind of tool I need to properly tune the pedals. I've been using an allen wrench, but it's pretty hard to get the pedals in tune. It seems only sometimes will it actually adjust when I turn the wrench. My steel does not have nylon pieces ive seen on other guitars.

Could anybody shed some light on this for me? Feels like a silly question, but nobody has shown me. Been able to get through gigging for a while like this as they are not incredibly out of tune, but it is not ideal.

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Richard Sinkler

aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Post  Posted 13 Jun 2022 2:58 am    
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Sounds like you have either a rack & barrel or barrel behind 2 hole puller undercarriage. The first place I would look is at the barrel. Make sure the set screw that attaches the barrel to the rod is tight. The rod should not spin in the body of the barrel.

Second thing with the barrel is the spring between the body and adjustable screw section. The spring should have a small bit of the spring protruding past the end of the barrel. This bit of spring catches on the rack or 2 hole puller when a pedal or knee lever is actuated. If that bit of spring has broken off (common problem), the whole barrel could spin and will not allow the screwing portion of the barrel to screw in or out of the body when you turn the Allen head on the end of the rod. An Allen wrench (hex key) is the right tool for tuning the pedals.

What is really happening when tuning a pedal is, the bit of spring catches on the rack or 2 hole puller, and the part of the barrel that screws into the body of the barrel is stopped from turning. The body of the barrel turns with the rod when you turn the allen wrench and screws on the other section of the barrel adjusting how far the string is tightened or relaxed to tune the note you are after.
Carter D10 8p/8k, Dekley S10 3p/4k C6 setup,Regal RD40 Dobro, Recording King Professional Dobro, NV400, NV112,Ibanez Gio guitar, Epiphone SG Special (open D slide guitar) . Playing for 55 years and still counting.
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