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Author Topic:  Restore LKR to original position - DIY ?
Steve Morrell


Woodway, Texas USA
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2022 8:28 am    
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Hi all - I have had my Sho-Bud LDG for a month or so (got it by blind and uninformed luck) and I'm getting the hang of it slowly but surely.

Apparently the previous owner had MASSIVE legs! The LKR lever has been moved to a position different from the way it left the factory, and it seems to me it would be a lot easier, and make smoother transitions from LKL to LKR, if I restored it to it's original position. The original holes for the screws are obviously still there, so moving the lever seems easy. But I have no idea how to re-connect it to the bell crank (I hope that's the right term)

Can I DIY this? I'm pretty handy in general. Any thoughts greatly appreciated!! If anyone has an LDG that's hasn't been modified I'd love to see a photo of how that lever was originally placed and connected.

Here's a current photo:

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