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Author Topic:  Comparing the blond vs black Fender Tone Master Twin Reverb
Dale McPherson


Morristown, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2022 5:13 pm    
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Has anyone compared the black twin reverb tone master to the blond one with the Celestion speakers played with steel guitar. Sorry but 6 string comparisons will not tell what I need to know. I need an amp with dual channels but I need it clean even if it is turned up.
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Bill Terry

Bastrop, TX
Post  Posted 24 May 2022 5:17 am    
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I've got a blonde TM Twin, bought it for use when I play guitar/steel gigs (2 channels works better for me). I don't know about how it sounds compared to the black TM Twin, but it sounds great on steel to me, and it's definitely not distorted. I'm a big fan of Celestion speakers (although I've never until now tried a Celestion Neo) and I think the 'color' they have and I like is still there in the Neo. The tone might or might not be to your liking, but I don't think distortion at higher volumes would be a problem. I'm not a really loud player, but I've had mine in 85W mode, volume on about 5 or a bit more, and it was still clean.

I'm curious to see if anyone else has tried the blonde TM for steel, and what they think.
Lost Pines Studio
"I'm nuts about bolts"
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Plano, Texas 75023
Post  Posted 24 May 2022 2:30 pm    
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I have owned a Blonde TM Twin for about a month and absolutely love the tone I am getting from this amp. the guitar player in our band also commented on how good it sounds at the last couple of gigs we played. Reverb is good and I am not a big fan of other effects and find the built in reverb to do the job in a live situation. I also have a Black Box in front of it and it does a great job sweetening the tone just the right amount.
Mark T

Infinity D-10 Justice SD-10 Judge Revelation Octal Preamp, Fractal AXE III, Fender FRFR 12
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