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Author Topic:  Barry Harris 6th Diminished for non pedal?
Tim Toberer

Nebraska, USA
Post  Posted 18 Jul 2023 8:07 am    
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I am not sure if there is an interest for this here, but I am trying to wrap my head around this for standard guitar and curious how it may apply to C6 or A6 non pedal. It seems fairly straightforward at first, but watching how it is applied to piano, really shows how deep this kind of thing can go. Mostly I am just trying to play the chords, but it can also be applied to scales etc, which is beyond me at this point! Here is a thread happening over in the pedals side of things.
Non pedal tuning containing a Dominant 7 or a half diminished (or 9th for that matter) may work better. A tuning could even be designed to work specifically for this kind of thing. The A13b9 seems like a good candidate. Leavitt or B11 probably as well. Just trying to get some ideas flowing or maybe steal some from someone willing to share Winking
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Robert Murphy

West Virginia
Post  Posted 18 Jul 2023 8:46 am    
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I like A11 for 6 string lap steel. Lo-Hi A C# E G B D. So the dominant 7 chord contains a 3 note diminished C# EG. Lately I use my C6 lap tuning strings 3,4,5 for the partial dominant chord A G E so root, 7th, 5th. Learning to use partial chords the contain melody notes and passing tones has been very helpful in live band situations.
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