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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 11 Jul 2022 6:13 am    
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Working on my Emmons last week, I learned at first hand that split-tuning the A pedal with the B-Bb lower will defeat any attempt to lower that string below Bb/A#.

In the case of my D13th, it's the 6th string (A) that's in question. I've opted to lose that A-G lower on LKV and, instead, resurrect a change that I used to enjoy but had somehow forgotten.

On E9, it would be to raise the 6th (G# to A#). On D13th, it's the 7th string (F# to G#). It will be split-tuned with P5 but will 'defeat' the P2 raise and still get me that G# with pedals down.

b0b very kindly amended my chart and here it is as it's going to the builder.

On my D10 Emmons, I removed the low A pedal raise (10th: B-A) to enable the 4/5 chord. I like it better but found I missed that 'raise' when playing runs on the bottom strings. I therefore assigned the 10th raise to my LKV. That's not necessary on the D13th because my RKL can restore that raise on string 11 along with pedals 2 and 3.

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Andrew Frost

Toronto, Ontario
Post  Posted 11 Jul 2022 4:59 pm    
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Very nice Roger. I'm interested in your A pedal set up. You're raising the open A string up to the B pitch, E9 style. The adjacent B string though, the maj6 going up to C natural along with it.....
I can see the musical possibilities there, definitely - some nice voicings and melodic phrasing with that C note right there.
I've seen that on E13 tunings as well.
But I'd think that just having a unison on those two strings, w/ A pedal down, could be just as advantageous.
Is the sympathetic resonance generally a big issue, and bringing the B to C a way of preventing that?
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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 11 Jul 2022 5:23 pm    
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It's a precaution in case of sympathetic resonance. I'm told it can be an issue with adjacent strings.

My intent will, if course, to pick precisely and not play inappropriate strings but, being realistic, getting accustomed to 12 strings could be challenging. If that raise causes more problems than it solves, it can go.

You'll see I've added the C on RKL: that will be useful - a nice tight 7th chord without pedals and a useful sus4 pedals down.

One can only theorize with a tuning that's a new concept (for me, anyway). I, and others, have thought this through. Only hands-on seat time will tell if it's something I can get to grips with.

If I can't, or if I don't take to it, I will still have loaded 12-string that I can turn into a potent ext. E9th, but you can be sure I'll be giving D13th my best shot.
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