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Author Topic:  6/4 Time for a song
Alan Murphy


N Ireland
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2021 3:43 pm    
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I am trying to create BIAB backing for a song with 6/4 timing at about 75bpm.

Each measure can have a maximum of 4 beats so to get six beats per bar I can have two measures per bar

Either 4 + 2 or 3+ 3

I have chosen a style which has a 12 / 4 feel but the first thing I notice is the bass drum occurs on beats 1,3,4,6 for the 3+3 type measure which can't be correct and I am not so sure the guitar is correct either.

PG suggested editing the drum track, but it is real drums so I am not sure that is even possible.

Any thoughts on how to create a 6/4 backing track ?

Thanks Alan..
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Jim Fogle

North Carolina, Winston-Salem, USA
Post  Posted 1 Dec 2021 6:47 pm    
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What song are you trying to create backing tracks for; is it an original or are you covering a song?

One suggestion I can think of off the top of my head is to substitute MIDI drums. I would start off using MIDI styles. Listen to the drums and see if you can find a MIDI drum pattern that might can be used.
Remembering Harold Fogle (1945-1999) Pedal Steel Player
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