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Greg Cutshaw

Corry, PA, USA
Post  Posted 3 Feb 2021 9:41 am    
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Automatic tuner also reads out in Hz and offers a 3 speed string winder function. The Amazon reviews have a lot of detailed information. After a firmware update is added the TUNE UP option (where final tune is always reaching while TIGHTENING each string rather than tightening or loosening).

Hard to tell how many of the reviews are shills of course but I just posted this here for general information.
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John Campbelljohn


Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Post  Posted 27 Nov 2021 6:25 am    
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I'm an older guy with osteoarthritis slowly progressing in my thumbs but far from giving up and very curious to know if other steelers on the forum have had success with Roadie.
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Jonathan Shacklock

London, UK
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2021 12:40 pm    
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I bought the Roadie 3 last year in an impulsive moment of GAS. I don’t regret it but it I do think it was too much money for my usage. Anyway, here’s a review for the steel player:

It has tons of built in tunings including E9 & C6 and you can customise and add offsets, which it great. Unfortunately on my pedal steel(s) it takes a while to latch on to the right frequencies, I’m guessing there just isn’t as much vibration for it to detect as with an acoustic guitar. It does work but not really as well as for 6-string. Does it make stringing up a D10 quicker and easier? Yes definitely, but no quicker than with a cheap battery string winder and separate tuner.

The screen menu is on the small side, a bit too easy to pick the wrong thing. Also it’s a little too easy to end up overwinding/snapping a string if you get the wrong peg - but that’s down to the user, I can’t really blame the product.

It could have been a bit better designed in terms of holding it firmly and trying to operate the 4-way tilt button and see the screen. It does seem pretty tough and robust.

I’m terrible at changing my strings regularly and having the Roadie incentivises me to do it more often. I haven’t had to use it during a gig thankfully, but I think I’d be glad to have it in that situation.

For anyone who does a lot of string changes I’d say go for it. Personally I feel a bit guilty for spending that much on one but that said, it does get some use, and it does take the misery out of restringing. It would not replace a good strobe tuner in my opinion. If you have lots of stringed instruments and love gadgets you’ll probably love it.
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John Campbelljohn


Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2021 1:38 pm    
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Thanks Jonathan. I will resist another Black Friday temptation. Smile
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