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newbie PSG needed

Posted: 23 Aug 2021 6:19 am
by Fred Civian
Newbie to PSGs here . . . need a simpler (3-4?) steel at a price starting with s "1" . . . looking locally in MA/New England.

Hoping that one of you experienced folks will want to give one of your "spares" a good home. Bona fides both provided and expected.

Posted: 23 Aug 2021 7:28 am
by K Maul
Or go high quality new. Talk to Ron.

Posted: 23 Aug 2021 7:45 am
by Joe Hensley
Sent a PM your way Fred.

thnx K Maul

Posted: 23 Aug 2021 9:07 am
by Fred Civian
Great referral!! And what a rep Justice has! Also, seeing the name Weldon Myrick on the Justice site brought back sharp and clear memories of being blown away by Myrick's double-tracked steel intro to Paul Siebel's "Made Me Lose My Blues."

Unlike many of you, I have little technical skill, so I'm skittish about buying anything from out of the area. I need to be be meeting and talking with steel players in NE to find out who does repairs and what the quirks are with particular instruments, because I guarantee that I will need hands-on repair help early and often.

Posted: 23 Aug 2021 9:53 am
by K Maul
Don't be afraid to learn to do a little yourself. The main steel tech in MA, Tommy Cass, lives near Athol but is super busy and backed up. A new guitar will have fewer issues, though.

Got one!!

Posted: 30 Aug 2021 4:15 am
by Fred Civian
Folks -

Appreciate the assistance, all.

Surprisingly was able to find a working used Carter starter this weekend, so I'm off to the races.

Including - despite low aptitude in that area - starting to tinker with it a bit. Hope I don't break something :-)

