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Author Topic:  Mechanics in NKY/Cincinnati area?
Duncan Wood

Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jul 2021 11:50 am    
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[pardon the duplicate post, moved from "Steel on the web"]

Hello! I've been considering getting someone to overhaul my U12 (E9/B6) to D13, and thought to look for help in my current vicinity in Northeast Kentucky. Who could do that sort of work in Lexington, Cincinnati, or Louisville areas?
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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2021 2:37 pm    
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Hi Duncan. I've seen your posts. I wish I had the time and resources to help you, but I've just been overwhelmed by personal circumstances that require all my attention of late.

I know there are lots of players in the areas you reference, I think at least some of them do maintenance. I'll ask around from those that I know and know of.

For reference, we'd need to know what make of guitar you have as at least some parts acquistion would likely be necessary.
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Duncan Wood

Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2021 4:19 pm    
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Jerry Overstreet wrote:
Hi Duncan. I've seen your posts. I wish I had the time and resources to help you, but I've just been overwhelmed by personal circumstances that require all my attention of late.

I know there are lots of players in the areas you reference, I think at least some of them do maintenance. I'll ask around from those that I know and know of.

For reference, we'd need to know what make of guitar you have as at least some parts acquistion would likely be necessary.

Thanks for your response Jerry! I really appreciate your offer. There's no urgency as my guitar works quite well, I just have come to find the hybrid setup disagrees with me at a fundamental level and doesn't provide the benefits it might to a seasoned double neck player.

It's a Fessenden U12 with 3R/3L changer, 3 left levers, 2 right, and 7 pedals. Glad to provide pictures if that doesn't tell enough of the story. It was set up by Tom Bradshaw a bit over a year ago when I bought it from him.
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