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OK Steel Guitar Show - Wives in the show kitchen

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 1:07 pm
by R Crow
In my previous post I said that we had a small problem with the PA, and other than that, all was good. That's not quite true. The one club members wife who works in the kitchen, fell and broke her hand. Two of the sweetest ladies at anyones show stepped up and handled the kitchen duties. We would like to make sure that they know how much they were appreciated. We would also like to encourage club members to ask their wives, girlfriends and daughters to help next year. It is a little embarrassing to depend on the guests to do all of the work.

Thank you Barbara Rosetta and Mary McGee, you are heros,.....and good cooks too.

Rick, Marion and the OSGA

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 2:10 pm
by Paul King
Those ladies deserve high praise for all their hard work. The people at the table when you come in deserve high praise as well. It was just a great weekend for Dustin Harp and myself.

Posted: 28 Jun 2021 5:48 pm
by R Crow
Paul, you are so right. The people at the doors, Richard McDonald working himself senseless hauling equipment, and any other thing that needed doing. Joe Wilson on the club table. Beverly has been working for months, Mike on PA Gary Strode on the front door. It was certainly a group effort but we must pay some attention to the kitchen. While we appreciate them more than words can say, we must provide additional help in the kitchen.
