Got the 'Rona at a gig
Posted: 10 Apr 2021 11:11 am
Been gigging regularly now & played a gig at the end of February. Club was jam packed, no one wore a mask except me, and they had a free buffet. I had tested negative the day before for a procedure (cardioversion) the following Wednesday.
My GF took care of me after the procedure & I felt crappy, which sometimes happens when your heart is shocked back into normal sinus rhythm. Thankfully, she didn't get it from me, and neither did my roomate (& ex).
Next day Thursday, I had chills for 2 days; not severe, I just couldn't get warm. The next day, Saturday, my sense of smell & taste suddenly disappeared & I thought "Ruh-Ro! Gotta be the 'Rona" I got some bad muscle cramps in my legs & arms when I walked, and felt winded just going out to the road for the mail, but none of the symptoms were really severe.
Played a gig the next weekend & my lead singer said he got the 'Rona, & a lot of people got it at that gig, & 1 died. Another "Ruh-Ro".
2 weeks ago this past Tuesday, I finally went for a test (my 5th) & it was negative. But, the doc said "if you lost your taste & smell suddenly, it was definitely the 'Rona, but you're testing negative now because you cleared the virus"
So, tomorrow I go for my 2nd shot, & can now see a light at the end of the tunnel. My taste & smell are coming back, but still not 100%.
Please careful & wear your mask, even if you've gotten jabbed. It seems that the "Gone Home" column has so many steelers that have died from the 'Rona. I was lucky; my symptoms were very mild; Yours may not be. We have lost too many already; more!
My GF took care of me after the procedure & I felt crappy, which sometimes happens when your heart is shocked back into normal sinus rhythm. Thankfully, she didn't get it from me, and neither did my roomate (& ex).
Next day Thursday, I had chills for 2 days; not severe, I just couldn't get warm. The next day, Saturday, my sense of smell & taste suddenly disappeared & I thought "Ruh-Ro! Gotta be the 'Rona" I got some bad muscle cramps in my legs & arms when I walked, and felt winded just going out to the road for the mail, but none of the symptoms were really severe.
Played a gig the next weekend & my lead singer said he got the 'Rona, & a lot of people got it at that gig, & 1 died. Another "Ruh-Ro".
2 weeks ago this past Tuesday, I finally went for a test (my 5th) & it was negative. But, the doc said "if you lost your taste & smell suddenly, it was definitely the 'Rona, but you're testing negative now because you cleared the virus"
So, tomorrow I go for my 2nd shot, & can now see a light at the end of the tunnel. My taste & smell are coming back, but still not 100%.
Please careful & wear your mask, even if you've gotten jabbed. It seems that the "Gone Home" column has so many steelers that have died from the 'Rona. I was lucky; my symptoms were very mild; Yours may not be. We have lost too many already; more!