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Emmons Vol. Pedal, Pedal Bar Mounting Feet

Posted: 2 Mar 2021 10:06 am
by Tiny Olson
I'm looking for a pair of the pedal bar / rack mounted flat feet that an Emmons Vol. pedal would rest on when attached to the guitar. I thought I had a pair or two but seems I've hidden them in safe place... from myself. The screws that go with them would be great too.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: 2 Mar 2021 1:41 pm
by Bob Tuttle
Tiny, I've got a pair w/screws I'll send you if you'll PM me your mailing address.

Posted: 2 Mar 2021 1:46 pm
by Tiny Olson
Hi Bob. PM will be on it's way.

Thanks Bob.

Chris "Tiny" O.

Posted: 3 Mar 2021 8:46 am
by Roy Peterman
Tiny, I have a pair if you would still need them. I hope you are doing well my friend.

Posted: 3 Mar 2021 5:13 pm
by Tiny Olson
Hey Roy...

I'm doing fine my 'ol friend. I hope you are as well. I always enjoy hearing from you.

I should be all set with the pedal bar feet as Bob Tuttle is sending some to me.

I sure appreciate you responding to me. Brings a smile to me to hear from fellow road warrior buddies from back in the day.

Stay well Roy..!!

Posted: 6 Mar 2021 10:34 am
by Tiny Olson
Bob Tuttle has supplied me with what I was looking for. Thanks so much Bob !!

b0b... please close this thread and thanks.

Chris "Tiny" Olson