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Author Topic:  Jeff Newman's "No Speed Limit" steel
Rene Brosseau

Chatham,Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 29 Dec 2020 11:13 am    
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I was reminicing,watching Jeff Newmans older video "No Speed Limit" today, & I've always loved the single neck Franklin with stripe decals on it...does anyone own this guitar now?
Franklin #130, Melobar Skreemer, Wechter Scheerhorn Resonator, Nashville 112, Boss DD 3
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Rick Kornacker

Dixon Springs, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jan 2021 6:39 am    
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Hey Rene! Just saw your post. I'm Jeff's son-in-law. A few years back I was commissioned by Fran to sell some of Jeff's equipment that was left in storage in N. Carolina. At first I had no idea of what all would be there. There were a number of guitars, guitar bodies missing parts, and a few amps, and a red pak-a-seat. No sign of the guitar you mention. There was also a Zumsteel which was done up in a similar but unique fashion. They were both black mica with the adornment. I don't know the "story" to this day but have a plausible idea of what happened to them and some of the other more valuable items in the cache. I was lucky to end up with the red "Steel-Rider" seat and...the Webb amp(very early model) that was presented to him. Also, I still have no idea as to what became of his vaunted red Zum 12-string that he played to the end. If anyone has info to add to this subject I would like to know just for posterity sake. Respectfully submitted, Rick K.
"think LESS"
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