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MSA steels

Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:32 pm
by Dan Lynch
Looking for info . Has anyone ordered and rcvd a new MSA recently? I am just looking for real world delivery times. I order a Pro Tour model (why cause I always wanted a
MSA) and Pro Tour 6-10 sounded fun. I was lucky enough to win a settlement and can now afford it. I knew when I ordered it there was a 10 month backlog which is fine. I am expecting it by June which would be 11 months. Any real life experiences out there?


Posted: 22 Nov 2020 9:04 pm
by Jim Palenscar
I should say 1st that they are worth the wait. Typically they are behind the promised date due to numerous unforeseen circumstances.

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:06 am
by Ronald Moore
I was told when I ordered a Legend s-12 that wait time was 8 months. It has been nearly two years. Kyle is sometimes hard to get a hold of but always says it will be soon. Kyle even offered to refund my deposit but I said no, I want the guitar. He did call me recently and said some of the parts are ready with my name on them and that Mark Giles is working on the body. It should be soon, but I'll never do business with them again. Ron

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 1:22 pm
by Donny Hinson

Posted: 23 Nov 2020 5:01 pm
by Kelcey ONeil

Posted: 24 Nov 2020 6:24 am
by Johnie King
Here’s a nice 2016 available here at my home in Nashville no wait time!!


Posted: 24 Nov 2020 8:02 am
by Dan Lynch
Kelcey ONeil wrote:A gentleman who’s Emmons I serviced has been waiting nearly two years, with a promise date of under a year. He also stated Kyle is very difficult to get ahold of, and is not particularly professional. His reason for telling me this was he wanted to know if I had any suggestions for another steel, should he get his deposit back. He got something worked out with Kyle, but to my knowledge still hasn’t received it.
ugghhh thanks for the info.

Posted: 24 Nov 2020 8:05 am
by Dan Lynch
Donny Hinson wrote::oops:
Is that an oops like I chose the wrong steel maker

Posted: 24 Nov 2020 8:19 am
by Jim Palenscar
I should say this. One of the reasons that an MSA takes awhile is that they have become accustomed to a certain level of quality that is immediately apparent when you play one- and look at one. I'm quite certain that if they accepted less they could bang them out and be right on time. Accompanying that is that the steel guitar arm of MSA is their spin-off business and requires the main business of MSA- producing very high tolerance machine parts for the government to take precedence as that is what pays the bills and keeps the doors of the steel guitar part open. When they get a big order from the government- making guitar parts takes a back seat. It has been that way since the company began and I recall a phone conversation w Reece in 1976 and saying "If I didn't think this was the best guitar I could get I would cancel my order" as it seemed as if was always something that was causing a delay. If MSA is guilty of anything it is that they are constantly too optimistic about the proposed delivery dates. That being said- it is worth the wait. I ordered an Anapeg 25 years ago- it took 4 years to get- again well worth the wait.

Posted: 24 Nov 2020 8:24 am
by Dan Lynch
Jim Palenscar wrote:I should say this. One of the reasons that an MSA takes awhile is that they have become accustomed to a certain level of quality that is immediately apparent when you play one- and look at one. I'm quite certain that if they accepted less they could bang them out and be right on time. Accompanying that is that the steel guitar arm of MSA is their spin-off business and requires the main business of MSA- producing very high tolerance machine parts for the government to take precedence as that is what pays the bills and keeps the doors of the steel guitar part open. When they get a big order from the government- making guitar parts takes a back seat. It has been that way since the company began and I recall a phone conversation w Reece in 1976 and saying "If I didn't think this was the best guitar I could get I would cancel my order" as it seemed as if was always something that was causing a delay. If MSA is guilty of anything it is that they are constantly too optimistic about the proposed delivery dates. That being said- it is worth the wait. I ordered an Anapeg 25 years ago- it took 4 years to get- again well worth the wait.

Thanks ... did not know about MSA relationship with govt. just hope my lifeline lasts long enough.

Posted: 24 Nov 2020 9:29 am
by Bill McCloskey
Kyle can be difficult to reach but is always helpful when you do get him. I ordered some conversion kits for my superslides and he had to wait until they could manufacture them. But it didn't take that long, and the parts were well made.

And as Jim has pointed out, Steel Guitars is their side business. Plus I know Kyle has personally lost a lot of friends to covid and has been dealing with that.

Posted: 24 Nov 2020 4:33 pm
by Donny Hinson
Jim Palenscar wrote:...I ordered an Anapeg 25 years ago- it took 4 years to get- again well worth the wait.
That was a one-man shop, halfway around the world. :\

Posted: 24 Nov 2020 5:23 pm
by Jim Palenscar
True. Shipping took only a day each way- he delivered it in person then stayed with us at our house until every thing was perfect :)

Posted: 24 Nov 2020 6:34 pm
by Dick Wood
I had no problem getting Kyle a week and a half back to let him know I had a problem and would be out shortly thereafter to have them look at it. I walked in and he first wanted to show me the various (eight) guitars that were basically finished and would soon go out. I asked if they were still backed up and he said they were very backed up with orders.

We then went back into the shop and it took him under ten minutes to fix my problem and I was on my way back to Fort Worth.

FYI-Back in 2018 my Legend XL SD10 5x4 took almost a year to get for what it's worth.

Posted: 24 Nov 2020 7:15 pm
by Ron Shalita
Mr King has a used one for sale .. I was like you for a while and didn’t want to wait.. I don’t know how many years I have left so I looked elsewhere but came to this forum 4 to 6 times a day hoping to find one.. and I did (thank you Randy) I love my MSA and I dont think I have ever had a steel that played SO in tune in 30 some odd years !

Posted: 25 Nov 2020 3:10 am
by Ken Byng
Two people in the steel guitar manufacturing business stand out to me for their strong ethos of customer care in the 50 plus years of experience that I have. They are Kyle Bennett and Jeff Surratt.

Posted: 25 Nov 2020 4:39 am
by Dan Lynch
Thanks for all of the info. Looks like I will wait and see. I hope the Universe comes thru again and helps align my lifeline and MSA timeline. The Universe answered me on day back in aug 2006. It had been just about 10 years after I was diagnosed with MS and a year after I left the workforce on disability. I was in KC with my wife. She had a business trip and I tagged along. I planned to visit one or more casinos.

I asked the Universe if there was any way I was supposed to play pedal steel I asked for help with the spinning wheels of the slots. The story of what occurred over the next 3 days, in my mind, was amazing. To make this story short and to not bore you with details, I got back on the plane home ahead by almost $2500.

I told my wife, “ ... it’s either now or never, ... even though my body is in rebellion, I am buying a steel guitar ...”

I ordered a Carter Starter and a Peavey Nashville 112.

The rest is history, which has been an awesome fun time. From late 2006 I gave myself 5 years to play out in front of people. In June 2008 I played my first open mic filling in behind singers and guitarist. Four years later I landed in a band and for the next 6 years played some great small shows. The last two were opening for Max Creek and Railroad Earth.

So, I believe now, if I was meant to sit behind a MSA steel, I will!

Thanks again

Posted: 25 Nov 2020 6:21 am
by James Sission
Wow Dan, that was a great story. I hope things come together and you can get the guitar you want. Thanks for sharing that. From a customer service standpoint, my experience with MSA was not good at all in my option and I moved on to a different builder. But like with any business, there's good stories and bad ones. Look at fedex vs UPS threads for an example. Good luck with your new guitar.

Posted: 25 Nov 2020 7:25 am
by Ronald Moore
In defense of the MSA team. The Covid 19 restrictions have not been kind to them either. As for the rest of us, not many of us have played much since March and Steel Guitar shows have been canceled. I have other guitars and the need for a new one is not really that urgent. The new MSA I am sure will be worth the wait. Ron

Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:34 am
by Jerry Overstreet
No dog in this hunt, but I certainly undersand Dan's frustration.

The positive comments are great, but they don't really help his situation.

We all know things happen. Probably we've all experienced it.

I don't know the circumstances involved here, but I do know that lack of communication is one of the most frustrating aspects of any transaction.

Not being able to reach the seller/company for answers just exacerbates the issue.

Most people will be more understanding if they just get a call, email whatever explaining the reasons for delay.
This makes the wait a little easier to swallow.

Not directed particularly at MSA, but compainies should be be forthcoming and realistic concerning promising delivery dates when products are ordered and not be erroneously optimistic.

I think this is one of the things that aggravates a buyer as much as poor communication.

I dunno, in this particular situation, I might have elected to take the refund just to relieve the anxiety, but good luck.

I'm sure the guitar will be a treasure when you do receive it.

Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:58 am
by Dennis Montgomery
Speaking for myself, there's no way I have the patience to wait 12+ months for any instrument regardless of how amazing it might be. As it was, the 8 week wait for my Mullen G2 was my limit and nearly drove me (and my poor wife, dog and chickens who had to put up with me) completely crazy ;-)

I would have taken the refund and found something else with a more reasonable lead time...probably at the 8 week mark :lol:

Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:18 pm
by Dan Lynch
In my case, I have not asked for a refund of deposit since I plopped it down with a 10-11 month wait in mind. However if I was misquoted an expectation and it actually is projected to take closer to 24 months it would be nice to know and then I might decide to start a request for the refund of $1500 and let me try another builder. Oh well like I said recently, I’m still above ground and doing well as far as MS, survived Stage 1 kidney cancer at the beginning of the pandemic, and also prostate surgery in June. I did win a settlement regarding MS so monetarily I am ok too. I look around and see all the suffering caused by pandemic and I try to help others as much as I can. I am no where near Bill Gates rich but I have found I LOVE being able to open my heart via my wallet and help those less well off then me. And one last thing, not wanting to delve into politics, this is the type of socialism I want, a society based on unconditional compassion and love. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:28 pm
by Ron Shalita
From what I hear the wait is upwards of 2 years.. find a used one that is a couple of years old... we are all getting close to the end and I’m sure something will come up..

Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:42 pm
by Bill Fisher
Relax. You are getting the guitar you want. If you cancel, what will you get? You'll go back to wanting the one you originally planned for, and have to start this all over again. Relax. And think about me. My guitar took 6 years, and 3 months to obtain. But it's mine. The one I wanted.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Posted: 25 Nov 2020 1:00 pm
by Jerry Overstreet
Dan, your attitude is inspiring. In the big scope of things, it seems you have your priorities in order.

Wishing you health and happiness and Happy Thanksgiving.