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Rich Upright

Florida, USA
Post  Posted 10 Apr 2021 11:11 am    
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Been gigging regularly now & played a gig at the end of February. Club was jam packed, no one wore a mask except me, and they had a free buffet. I had tested negative the day before for a procedure (cardioversion) the following Wednesday.

My GF took care of me after the procedure & I felt crappy, which sometimes happens when your heart is shocked back into normal sinus rhythm. Thankfully, she didn't get it from me, and neither did my roomate (& ex).

Next day Thursday, I had chills for 2 days; not severe, I just couldn't get warm. The next day, Saturday, my sense of smell & taste suddenly disappeared & I thought "Ruh-Ro! Gotta be the 'Rona" I got some bad muscle cramps in my legs & arms when I walked, and felt winded just going out to the road for the mail, but none of the symptoms were really severe.

Played a gig the next weekend & my lead singer said he got the 'Rona, & a lot of people got it at that gig, & 1 died. Another "Ruh-Ro".

2 weeks ago this past Tuesday, I finally went for a test (my 5th) & it was negative. But, the doc said "if you lost your taste & smell suddenly, it was definitely the 'Rona, but you're testing negative now because you cleared the virus"

So, tomorrow I go for my 2nd shot, & can now see a light at the end of the tunnel. My taste & smell are coming back, but still not 100%.

Please careful & wear your mask, even if you've gotten jabbed. It seems that the "Gone Home" column has so many steelers that have died from the 'Rona. I was lucky; my symptoms were very mild; Yours may not be. We have lost too many already; more!
A couple D-10s,some vintage guitars & amps, & lotsa junk in the gig bag.
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Carl Gallagher


New York, USA
Post  Posted 10 Apr 2021 1:07 pm    
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Glad to hear you are recovering.Sorry to hear your mask didnt protect you, but not surprised.I wear one when I go into stores, mostly for the people around, to put them at ease, not to protect me or them.I worked 30 yrs in law enforcement and had training at the CDC in airborne and bloodborne pathogens and gave the yearly class to the rest of the command through most of the 90's.The training was adamant about not using anything but what was the equivalent of an N95 at the time when around anyone with TB,but now they say it works for covid?Not looking to argue the point,like I said, I wear one when I have to, but I know and now you know,they dont work all that well.Get better fast.
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Pete Burak


Portland, OR USA
Post  Posted 10 Apr 2021 2:18 pm    
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The general consensus as I understand it... The mask protects you from giving it others, not from getting it from others.
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Ian Rae

Redditch, England
Post  Posted 10 Apr 2021 3:26 pm    
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Correct, Pete, but sadly not understood by all.

I wear a mask in public not because I can prove it protects others, but in case it does.
Make sleeping dogs tell the truth!
Homebuilt keyless U12 7x5, Excel keyless U12 8x8, Williams keyless U12 7x8, Telonics rack and 15" cabs
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Jim Fogarty

Phila, Pa, USA
Post  Posted 10 Apr 2021 7:26 pm    
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Glad you're doing ok. That's scary stuff.

But, at least two guys in your band got Covid at a gig where one person died from it and a bunch of others got sick........but you're still out gigging?!?!

We humans are a strange bunch.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 11 Apr 2021 2:24 am    
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My brother died from it back in January. I tested positive but never had a symptom. 10 days later I tested negative.

I haven't been gigging, and don't want to right now. Staying mostly close to home. I just had my first vaccine shot, after I've had the second I may consider gigging. I was invited to the Steel Jam, next Tuesday, in Lake Panasoffkee (FL) but turned that down.
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Rich Upright

Florida, USA
Post  Posted 12 Apr 2021 9:18 pm    
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Well, I didn't wear a mask while I was playing, or while I was stuffing my face at the know musicians & free food!

"But, at least two guys in your band got Covid at a gig where one person died from it and a bunch of others got sick........but you're still out gigging?!?!

Actually ,3 of us got the 'rona...only the bass player & drummer were immune. I've been gigging every weekend with both of my bands, 'cause I can't live on social security alone, but I was freaking out the whole time. Now that I've got my shots, I can relax a little, because I got some high profile gigs coming up, playing for the Teutel's new Orange County Choppers enterprise...they're in the restaurant biz now no longer building motorcycles. They moved their whole operation to Florida.
A couple D-10s,some vintage guitars & amps, & lotsa junk in the gig bag.
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David Ball

North Carolina High Country
Post  Posted 13 Apr 2021 4:15 pm    
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I'm living pretty tight on Social Security too, and surely understand when folks do what they've got to do to get by. But I live in a place where it's a lot cheaper to live than it is in Florida.

Having had both of my shots, I'm looking forward to at least peeking back out again, but since I don't have to, I won't be joining back in full force for awhile. Good luck to all!

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Bob Hoffnar

Austin, Tx
Post  Posted 13 Apr 2021 5:31 pm    
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Glad you are okay. With the vaccines being available in Austin gigs are coming back. It is such a good feeling to be back with people and feel safe after getting the shots.
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Fred Treece

California, USA
Post  Posted 13 Apr 2021 7:29 pm    
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That is really a horrible story. So wrong and unnecessary for it to have happened! I’m glad you’re okay.
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