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BIAB generated track - no steel- just B Bender

Posted: 5 Nov 2020 2:36 am
by Tony Prior
At first I was not going to post this here as it is a Telecaster tune , B Bender, no Steel, :( but it is a BIAB Generated track which took all of 15 min to arrange and complete. The Main guitar and 1 Rhythm guitar are " real" everything else BIAB . '08 USA Tele with a Forrest Lee jr Bender and the Taylor 414 AC guitar. Everything else BIAB .

BIAB tracks ( stereo) were sent over to Pro Tools 12 where the track was put together. All of the track arranging was done over in BIAB, not in Pro Tools. The Tele was recorded direct using one of the embedded SANS AMP SIMS that comes with Pro Tools,(edited of course) the Taylor AC guitar was recorded direct as well thru the DBX 376 Channel Strip then mixed with the BIAB track. The BIAB Bass track actually surprised me, it was ever so simple and right on, no intrusive notes.

The final 2-track was sent over to T-RACKS 3 for a simple stereo master.

Its titled "B-SIMPLE" which implies don't overdo it !

You can listen MASK FREE !

MP3 LINK >>>>

Re: BIAB generated track - no steel- just B Bender

Posted: 5 Nov 2020 6:11 am
by Al Evans
Tony Prior is a Telecaster tune , B Bender, no Steel, :( but it is a BIAB Generated track which took all of 15 min to arrange and complete.
It sounds great! Would you be willing to tell what specific drums and bass you used in BIAB?


--Al Evans

Posted: 5 Nov 2020 8:28 am
by Jim Fogle
Very nice. 👍

What stood out to me are the one chord slow strums on the right channel acoustic. Band-in-a-Box hold chords do not include slow strums so the slow strums helped me to identify the guitar as a non Realtracks guitar. Small changes like that really mask the fact that BiaB tracks are in use. I assume that track is of you playing the Taylor.

(Boy will I have egg on the face if it turns out that is not the Taylor track!) :whoa:

Very tasteful use of the bender on the Telecaster. The pitch range of the bender is not that different from what some guitar players achieve using string bends.

I think your post would get more views and reaction if the song link is posted in the Music section of the forum. I'm basing that thought on the belief forum members not interested in Band-in-a-Box are not likely to visit this section.

Posted: 5 Nov 2020 9:04 am
by Tony Prior
Al,the style is BIAB 2013, C_HAG Country Classic. I did not edit any of the embedded sounds. I didn't use them all, but I did not edit any.

Jim, this was just a basic Country Classic style, C_HAG

regarding the AC Guitar, yes its the Taylor 414 ! No egg required ! One thing I have done over the years is use TWO AC guitars for a rhythm track, one very simple, 1/2 tone simple fill strums on top of another which is more of a 4/4 strum. BIAB had a reasonable 4/4 thing going on so I used it. It is imperative that they do not play over or interfere with each other or ANY BASS notes. Every note matters. Every HOLE matters. Just like a real band ! I split the AC guitars -75/+75 pan. If the tracks are not competing with each other or the Bass line, its a wide open pallet for the Steel of another Instrument.

The song is in A, an excellent key for Bender or NO Bender.

Open strings galore ! Multiple root chord positions to frame the playing around.

And yeah I'll put it over in the Music section, good call, didn't think of that. But this is not Steel guitar related so I wanna be cautious.

Posted: 5 Nov 2020 9:16 am
by Jim Fogle

Thanks for all the additional information.

I'm going to listen a few times more. I want to see if I can better differentiate the strums. I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that every note matters and it's great to read about your attention to detail.

Band-in-a-Box has a collection of acoustic guitar RealTracks labeled "Hank". About half are strumming and the other half are finger picking. There are multiple styles with a Hank strumming RealTrack panned in one direction and Hank finger picking panned in the opposite direction. Those are my favorite RealTracks.

If you haven't tried them yet, try some of the Campfire styles.

Posted: 5 Nov 2020 10:04 am
by Joachim Kettner
Great playing Tony!

Posted: 5 Nov 2020 1:45 pm
by Tony Prior
Jim Fogle wrote: There are multiple styles with a Hank strumming RealTrack panned in one direction and Hank finger picking panned in the opposite direction. Those are my favorite RealTracks.

If you haven't tried them yet, try some of the Campfire styles.

Jim , I've seen them but never tried them. I'll give them a listen. Truth is I don't have the patience ! If I hear something that is close to what I would play I will use it, but I'm not spending gobs of time searching ! I'll just play it myself and be done with it. Heck, I'm sending it all over to PT's anyway.

I focus more on the BIAB drums, some tracks are cheesy so I keep them as simple as possible. I also edit out those odd fills that annoy me ! :lol: Sometimes I may keep a Bass track but most of the time I'll pull out the Jazz Bass and record direct.

I like BIAB, sometimes the tracks are very close to what I envision, other times not. But I've come to the conclusion that canned drums are exactly that, canned drums ! I can live with the simplicity for my projects because they are not going to be on MTV anytime soon !

I also have EZ Drummer , its ok, but I prefer to use BIAB as we can structure and arrange an entire song with Instruments, even if they are not the Instruments I would use. With BIAB we can SEE the entire arrangement, for me thats a plus.

thx tp

Posted: 16 Nov 2020 10:39 am
by Mike Bacciarini
Thanks Tony.... really enjoyed this. My only complaint is that it wasn’t longer. I just keep playing it over again!

Posted: 16 Nov 2020 12:39 pm
by Tony Prior
Mike Bacciarini wrote:Thanks Tony.... really enjoyed this. My only complaint is that it wasn’t longer. I just keep playing it over again!

HA! Thx Mike, as I get older I have to keep them shorter so I don't loose my place and forget what I'm doing ! :D