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Author Topic:  Happy Belated Birthday to Lloyd Green
Zena Kay


Los Angeles, CA
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2020 8:58 am    
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Just wanted to wish Lloyd Green a belated birthday! He is the man that teaches us all that you don’t need fancy changes to explore new territory on our instrument Smile your imagination is the limit! Hearing him play on Sweetheart of the Rodeo was what got me to catch the bug. I know that rings true for a lot of people here. There isn’t one person I can think of that we owe more gratitude to for bringing the steel to the fore in so many ways throughout history.
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Dale Rottacker

Walla Walla Washington, USA
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2020 11:10 am     Re: Happy Belated Birthday to Lloyd Green
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Zena Kay wrote:
Just wanted to wish Lloyd Green a belated birthday! He is the man that teaches us all that you don’t need fancy changes to explore new territory on our instrument Smile your imagination is the limit! Hearing him play on Sweetheart of the Rodeo was what got me to catch the bug. I know that rings true for a lot of people here. There isn’t one person I can think of that we owe more gratitude to for bringing the steel to the fore in so many ways throughout history.

Zena, I think you're a good 35 years younger than me, and the same was true for me 35-45 years ago... Lloyd was a huge influence and still is a few generations later... Hope Mr. Green celebrates MANY more Happy Birthdays... Such a great gentleman and example to us all.
Dale Rottacker, Steelinatune™
*2021 MSA Legend, "Jolly Rancher" D10 10x9
*2021 Rittenberry, "The Concord" D10 9x9
*1977 Blue Sho-Bud Pro 3 Custom 8x6
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