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George Duncan Sypert


Colo Spgs, Co, USA
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2020 8:08 pm    
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How would you setup a S10 with 6 floor pedals and 1 knee.

Knee lowers 4 & 8 so that stays.
1 lowers 2 a half.
2 Standard A pedal
3 Standard B pedal
4 Standard C pedal
5. I am leaning toward raising 4 & 8 one half maybe switching it to pedal 6 and 6 current to 5.
6. Currently lowers 9 a half.

I'm thinking it would be fairly easy to use pedal 6 in combo with pedal two with the right foot.

Also thinking about putting 9 lower on same pedal with lowering second string.

Then don't know what I would put on the left over pedal.
Open for suggestions. Thinking about lowering 3 & 6.

Thanks for any input.


Not my guitar. Just trying to set it up for a friend.

It is not for sale so don't ask.
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Fred Treece

California, USA
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2020 9:08 pm    
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I would exchange your #1 and #5, so it would look like this:

1 raising 4 & 8 one half
2 Standard A pedal
3 Standard B pedal
4 Standard C pedal
5. lowers 2 a half.
6. Currently lowers 9 a half.

Also thinking about putting 9 lower on same pedal with lowering second string.

Not a bad idea. With the left over pedal, you could do your 3& 6 lower, or do the “modern” raise on 1, 2 & 7. That might be a tough push though. Maybe the Franklin change would be easier on your foot.

1 raising 4 & 8 one half
2 Standard A pedal
3 Standard B pedal
4 Standard C pedal
5. lowers 2 & 9 a half.
6. Raise 2 a half, raise 1 & 7 a whole -or- Lower 5,6 & 10 a whole step each.

The other thing you could do is set it up as a standard C6.
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