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George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 26 Aug 2020 4:51 am    
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What were the stock ohms on the pickups of the S-10 push pulls built from 1972 through 1974,
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Jim Pitman


Waterbury Ctr. VT 05677 USA
Post  Posted 26 Aug 2020 8:00 am    
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I'm not sure, but I know of one famous player who preferred 18K.
The following is probably more info than you wanted to know, but just be aware the resistance of a copper wire changes about 0.4% with a 1 degC change in temperature. That's quite significant. A 20 degree rise in temperature would make an 18kohm pickup resistance increase to 19.4K.
Many folks get hung up on pickup resistance unnecessarily. Really what will make a difference is the inductance. Unfortunately, your common Volt Ohm meter won't have the capability to measure inductance. That's not say resistance won't have an affect on the the tone as it's the ratio of inductance to resistance that affects the Q and band pass of a filter affect of a coil of wire but more so the inductance.
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J Fletcher


Post  Posted 26 Aug 2020 10:03 am    
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Well I had an S12 , a 72 , which had a 12k pickup. Sounded real good. Jerry
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Jack Hanson

San Luis Valley, USA
Post  Posted 26 Aug 2020 10:07 am    
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I don't have a S-10, but I have a D-10 and two GS-10s. All are from 1973.

E9 pickup on the D-10: 15.5K ohms
GS 10s: One measures 12.3K ohms, the other is 13.3K.

For what it's worth, Clem Schmitz once told me the factory did not stockpile pickups. They were wound individually as needed by the person who built the guitar as one stage of the assembly process.
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George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 26 Aug 2020 2:59 pm     Emmons pick- up ohms question.
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The guitar I have bought is 17.5 ohms. May be a little on the dark side, but with my bright Evans amp, it might be a good match. I just wanted to know in case the guitars tone sounds off, it may be the pickup.I haven't taken possession of the guitar yet. We have to work out a meeting time.
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Tommy Auldridge

Maryland, USA
Post  Posted 26 Aug 2020 3:08 pm     Emmons S-10
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George: I prefer 17k I have 4 S-10 P/P Emmons guitars and 3 D-10 P/P Emmons guitars, and they are all from different years ranging from 69 to 81... By the way, I've always played the Day set-up. You will get used to it in a month or so, and never go back. Tommy.....
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Steve Schmidt

Ramsey, MN, USA
Post  Posted 28 Aug 2020 6:03 pm    
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I just finished putting an Emmons single coil in my Zum. It measured 17.4K ohms. It came out of a 72
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