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Author Topic:  QUILTER STEELAIRE Vs...........
Kenneth Kotsay


Davie/Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Post  Posted 22 Aug 2020 8:30 am    
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Last Friday my Quilter arrived, been getting acquainted with it these last few days. Thus far I find it an excellent amp, a very good choice. The responds & easy of dialing in the right sound settings (bass, low-mids, high-mid, etc.) that I desire, I have found this to be amazingnd I'm not one who likes to dial any setting with any amp of mine. This amp can punch-out sound heavy duty style.

Each control is indeed sensitive and accurate to the touch, you can clearly hear each change when dialing up the increments on each setting. When dialing in the reverb settings, which as 3 individual settings which is a very big plus in my opinion, it's not like the standard reverb sound that most amps have especially when you have 3 levels of change in reverb styles at your finger tips, again this is another amazing feature of this amp.

The E9th neck has performed perfectly to my taste, the C6th looks like I'll need more time in getting that mellow sound adjust to my sound liking.

Right now I'm using a new MSA D-10 Legend, with a Telronics pickup, I also have a 705 and the Aluminutone pickup, these two I haven't tried with the Quilter yet.

I've dialed in Greg Cutshaws settings, found them to be ok, and Albert Sveddal settings came close to what I was looking for in fact, it was his Steelaire amp video that sold me on this amp, out standing instructional video on adjusting this AMP.

I also have the following amps, theses guy aren't leaving my sight:

PEAVEY Nashville 1000 & 112
PEAVEY DPC 1000 with TransTubefex
PEAVEY Profexx
PEAVEY Nashville 112E Speaker Cabs
MACKIE FR1400i Power Amp

Each one of these amps has it's own sound characteristic, I enjoy each amp, seems to be my take on variety of life, the more the better.

Except for the Roland and Fender all of the Peaveys including the Mackie are 18+ years old and still perform with no problems.

So there you have it shootout at that amp coral, all winners.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 22 Aug 2020 9:51 am    
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I had a Steelaire and after 4 months gave up on it. But I now have a Quilter Travis Toy model and within 5 minutes I found the sweet spot settings.
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Ron Shalita

California, USA
Post  Posted 22 Aug 2020 9:59 am    
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Thank Gawd for Leo Fender ... the amps he built were simple to set up I love to be able to plug and play, no muss NO fuss!
Been playing all of my life, Lead Guitar, and Pedal Steel, sing Lead and Harmony.. play other Instruments also but I hate to admit to it..
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