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Author Topic:  Half-stop device for old Fender cable guitar?
Michael Voorhis


Frederick, Maryland, USA
Post  Posted 16 Aug 2020 10:17 am    
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I have modified my Fender 400 and Fender 1000, adding two knee levers to each. Since each string can only have a single pull, I have to choose between a C pedal or the f lever, because I can't raise the e string a whole step on one pedal and only a half step on another peddle because of the way the guitar is designed. I have usually chosen the f lever.
On my 1000, i just tried a design for my knee lever that would stop the lever from pulling the high e string all the way to a whole step. I put a little L bracket behind it and a screw that I could adjust that would stop the knee lever when it only pulled the e a half step, and although it works, I would really like to try to make a better half stop device that wouldn't impede the movement of my lever. There is also the issue of getting it tuned properly, because there are two cables attached to that lever, and they each pull the changer finger a little bit differently. I have been able to figure out a solution for now.
Like I said, the design I have now works and I wouldn't mind continuing using it, but I'm very curious about other ideas people might have.

So my question is: does anyone have any ideas how I could make a fairly simple half stop device for my cable guitar? Has anybody attempted such a thing? What are some things I should think about in regards to it?
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Mark Perrodin


Tucson Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 16 Aug 2020 12:00 pm     half-stop
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here's what i did. i made my own barrel tuner (available from too) and put a spring in front of it and an angle stop. works great. the idea is that when the spring hits the stop you are half way and when you press the pedal all the way the spring compresses and you hit your second note. you'll have to experiment with the compression spring to get the feel that you're after. good luck to you.

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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 18 Aug 2020 2:54 am    
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for the old style single raise/lower fender changers, the sho bud brass barrel has been the go to set up to obtain more than one raise on a string. its been used since the 60's by fender players.
I'm over the hill and hittin'rocks on the way down!

no gear list for me.. you don't have the time......
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Michael Sawyer

North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2020 9:36 am    
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Heres mine I made from materials at Ace hardware for $12.
Not pretty but functional.
Excuse the dry teflon overspray.
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