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Gary Rue


Maryland, USA
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2006 5:42 am    
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I am lucky enough to have found a sho bud professional to use untill I can purchase a steel. It has not been used for over 20 years and the previous owner left it set up and took it to the gigs set up. I was surprized to find partical board on the undercarrige of the guitar. Everything seems to work well considering the circumstances. Hear are my Questions.

1. recommended lubrications. I don't want to damage the partical board.
2. the e9 pickup is scolloped but works. Is this a common condition of some sho buds.
3. The emmons setup is working on the pedals but I get a pop sound coming from the pedal bar on #5.
4. I was going to clean the rollers with compressed air when I change the strings.
Is that OK and is there a recommended lubricate. I don't think this guitar has ever seen a case!
5.It has two knee levers. lkl- 4+8 E to F
rkl- 4+8 E to Eb
3 C to B
Your opinon on the setup!
6. Is there a cleaner for the aluminum. I do not want to take this instrument apart to buff it. I just want to return it better than I found it.

Merry Christmas to all.
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James Morehead

Prague, Oklahoma, USA - R.I.P.
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2006 6:28 am    
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Gary, I emailed you.
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A. J. Schobert


Cincinnati, Ohio,
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2006 7:44 am    
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partical board? I would think that is not from the factory, how hard would it be to change it out to hard maple? I would guess some of the screws are stripped from the partical board.
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Erv Niehaus

Litchfield, MN, USA
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2006 8:44 am    
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I sure don't know what model of Sho~Bud you have but I have NEVER seen one with partical board!
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Colby Tipton

Crosby, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2006 8:55 am    
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Maybe it is the flocking (paint) on the underside, it is ruff and looks like it may be particle board under the paint. Just a thought.Sounds like a lot of cleanup and set up work on this old guitar, you may want to take it to someone that knows what they are doing and get them to go through it. You can do the polishing on the hardware yourself.


[This message was edited by Colby Tipton on 18 December 2006 at 09:04 AM.]

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Skip Edwards


Post  Posted 18 Dec 2006 9:27 am    
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Colby is right. It's not particle board...the finish just looks like it.
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Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2006 9:44 am    
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You've got an excellent-sounding steel guitar, one of the best IMHO, though it is "vintage" in it's mechanics. I've owned 2 Professionals, including currently playing one onstage... um... professionally.

It's not made of particle board; that's the texture of the paint on the underside of the guitar.

Lubricate by using a very or two drops... amount of light oil, like 3-In-1 or a fine gun oil, everywhere metal moves against metal, including: where the rack/baskets on the undercarriage move against their pivots, down the sides of the changer fingers, where the knee levers pivot, the peghead roller shaft; also lubricate the pedal axle on the pedal bar, and the sliding balljoint covers on the pedal rods themselves.

Wipe off the excess oil that shows up quite soon.

That guitar could be a real prize with a brand-new John Coop undercarriage, which replicates the pulling system of a 73-75 Sho~Bud... their best system IMHO... but with new, beautiful precision cut parts.

Herb's Steel Guitar Pages
Texas Steel Guitar Association

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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2006 12:19 pm    
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I 'm with Herb on this, Classics, I had three Sho-Bud Professionals in my life time and really liked them

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Gary Rue


Maryland, USA
Post  Posted 18 Dec 2006 3:09 pm    
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Thankyou for your responses. I have been given exellent advice. Its not partical board but the finish has yellowed to a perfect partical board match. The owner offered me the instrument to use under the condition I don't bother him about selling it. the more I play it the harder it is to keep my end of the deal!

Merry Christmas everyboby
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