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A Piece of History

Posted: 26 May 2020 2:09 am
by Gary S. Lynch
Check out this Paul Tutmarc Audiovox.
From what I read, they may have predated Rickenbacher.
A fellow Forum member was kind enough to make a replacement cover plate for me.
The old one was removed and a plastic one had been installed somewhere along its travels so I opted for one closer to photos.
This is made of walnut and, being very creative looks like they used mandolin tuners to make a 7 string guitar. My father was a 70 year plus lap steel player and I recently went through his collection. He did like this one.
It has a huge old telephone? .. magnet inside up against a wound blade pickup.
A true magnet “powered” lap steel.
I have attached some images.

Interestingly, I saw this link. The guitar in the link is not my guitar in the photo but it is the only other walnut one I have seen an image of.. ... demo-video
ImagePicture file

Posted: 26 May 2020 2:25 am
by Gary S. Lynch
Just saw this video about the guitar.
You can tell its not mine. Mine was not grazed by a bullet..
But check out the sound...

Tutmarc Pickup Photos

Posted: 30 May 2020 5:42 am
by Gary S. Lynch
Thought while doing a string change, it would help to add some photos of the pickup.
A fellow Forum member suggested this type of 3x3'magnet may have come from an early crank type telephone
and used to generate a phone signal.

Also included a photo of the original "custom" cut out case.

Posted: 1 Jun 2020 11:46 am
by Pete Burak
Carco Clave has one of these.
He brings it to the Phoenix Show sometimes.