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The Henrys live videos

Posted: 23 May 2020 9:07 am
by Donald Rooke
Hi folks,

My band The Henrys (Toronto) was supposed to play tomorrow, and of course, like all our gigs, it's not happening. So I decided to post video from a show we did at the same club in February, a record release for the album Paydirt, that we put out early this year.

The full video goes 'live' at 3 pm EST tomorrow, though of course it's viewable anytime after that.

In the meantime, I just put up one song from it, so you can see if you might be interested in the rest. It's all original instrumental music, and the melodies are played either on dobro or lap steel (and one on Weissenborn). This song is an old fashioned sounding waltz.


Full concert video (well, most of it, we had some camera issues) available tomorrow afternoon here:

For the record, I play Yanuziello lap steel and dobro, in G tuning, except many years ago, trying to cop something on a Lyle Lovett record that was played by Paul Franklin, I took off my bass G string and put on an A higher than the higher G, a 22W. I didn't know Paul Franklin had a pedabro! I didn't know such a thing existed!

Anyway, it opened things up for me a bit, harmonically, in a way that lack of information used to do. If you couldn't find the right answer to something, you might find something good in the wrong answer.

I hope you're all staying safe and healthy.


Posted: 23 May 2020 1:14 pm
by Steve Cunningham
Beautiful tune, and great ensemble playing. Oh yeah, and I really dig the dobro-ing too!

Posted: 23 May 2020 2:55 pm
by Bob Blair
Great stuff!!

Posted: 23 May 2020 6:34 pm
by Brad Bechtel
Mr. Rooke is one of my favorite lap style players. His work with the Henrys is consistently original and a different voice in a series of Lindley clones (not that being a Lindley clone is a bad thing).

Thanks for sharing! I look forward to hearing it.

Posted: 23 May 2020 9:36 pm
by Ian McLatchie
Beautiful, Don. I hadn't heard about the new album. I'll order a copy of that, and tune in tomorrow. I have so many great memories of Henrys shows during my time in Toronto. Hope you're doing well.

Posted: 23 May 2020 10:18 pm
by Mike Neer
This is top shelf, like a bottle of The Macallan 15 year. So easy going down and I need another pronto.

Posted: 24 May 2020 3:57 pm
by Donald Rooke
Thank you guys! Great to hear from you all.

And Mike, lay off that whiskey.

Posted: 24 May 2020 10:16 pm
by Jean-Paul Bataille
This is right to my liking, this tune. Right into.

Posted: 25 May 2020 10:55 am
by Joe Breeden
I really like this group. Resonator especially special.

Re: The Henrys live videos

Posted: 27 May 2020 10:27 am
by Walter Webb
Donald Rooke wrote: I play Yanuziello lap steel and dobro, in G tuning
This is musical ambrosia!
Donald, is your G tuning dobro GBDGBD or open GDGBDG ?

Also, I haven't heard a pump organ since the one in the lodge at summer camp, decades ago. Fabulous.


Posted: 27 May 2020 12:48 pm
by Donald Rooke
Thanks Walter. My tuning is based on GBDGBD, with one difference. In place of the bass G, I have a higher A (22W). See above for why.

I’m posting individual songs from that show now. Here’s one that’s more bluegrassy.

Posted: 28 May 2020 10:17 pm
by Joel Bloom
Hi Don I really enjoyed that and your 2 new releases I bought off bandcamp. Are you picking with bare fingers or fingernails? Great tone you are getting.

Posted: 29 May 2020 4:07 am
by Donald Rooke
Thank you Joel. It’s probably 90% flesh now, it used to be more nail, but they don’t last. I use the tops of my nails sometimes though, to strum across the strings, or hit them - you can get some high end clarity that way.

Here’s another track, called Deer Park.

Posted: 29 May 2020 7:36 pm
by Joel Bloom
I did notice you doing that strum and it does cut through well..a nice idea that I might have to steal ;-)
Deer Park is an outer suburb in Melbourne with it's own reputation, so that was a giggle to hear you like the words together. Great tune, love it.

PS. I wrote that quick review of Paydirt on your Bandcamp...I hope it was positive for you.


Posted: 30 May 2020 3:25 am
by Donald Rooke

Thanks very much, I hadn’t seen that. I love Tronzo! Mike Neer and I went to see him the last time I was in NY. Rainy night, Lower East Side, no name on the club (Mike knows his way around more than just a guitar neck), small room but crowded, and we sat right behind Tronzo, looking over his shoulder as he played. Couldn’t have been better.

Posted: 30 May 2020 3:44 am
by Joel Bloom
That sounds great! I don't think I'll get a chance to see him unless I travel over.
Have you heard his Slow Poke band albums?

Also, have you heard much Martin Simpson? Beautiful playing on this track with a squareneck National Triplate. Interesting sus 4 tuning it sounds like..


Posted: 31 May 2020 9:38 pm
by Mike Holder
Nice work Don; is that John Sheard on keys?..time is treating you guys well! Beautiful playing and unique as always! The non pedal section has Many great offerings on this Forum, Best of luck with your project.

Posted: 2 Jun 2020 5:08 pm
by Donald Rooke
Mr Holder,

How many years has it been? It’s great to hear from you, and yes, that’s John on keys.

Of course it’s him - nothing changes in Toronto. Except when great players like you move
to Nashville. I hope all is well.


Posted: 2 Jun 2020 5:20 pm
by Mike Holder
Yes it’s been many years! Miss you guys but not the snow!! Drop me a PM on here and I’ll send you my email and we’ll catch up!