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Topic: SONIC PALETTE II...chord lists |
ed packard
From: Show Low AZ
Posted 21 Oct 2006 11:14 am
The changes have been merged to make a 5X5, either 10, 12, 14, or anything in between.
The setup, and the chord lists (partial) using each string as chord root, and many available change activations, are shown here:
Here is a sample of the chord lists...this one is for string #8 as both the scale root, and as the chord root.
[This message was edited by ed packard on 22 October 2006 at 07:26 AM.] |
ed packard
From: Show Low AZ
ed packard
From: Show Low AZ
Posted 22 Nov 2006 7:55 am
Here are the 4 & 5 tone chords for the SONIC PALETTE using the five pedals only. The chords are given in their 5 tone get the 4 tone form, just drop the 9 or M9 and if necessary substitute a 7 or M7. Physically, just do not play the fifth (top) string in the chord.
For a larger clearer image, and more charts, go to
The chord type name is on the root string. the 3rd of the chord is on the next string up, and so forth. The chord intervals are adjacent, and on adjacent strings.
The 4 and 5 note chords were chosen as they are those most used by JAZZ folk. Compare the chord assortment and locations with those of E9, C6, A6, Bb6, etc.
[This message was edited by ed packard on 22 November 2006 at 08:02 AM.] |
ed packard
From: Show Low AZ
Posted 25 Nov 2006 3:02 pm
And here are some C Maj = I based root inversion chords...notice they are on every fret, and on all strings (almost). Compare with other known tuning structures.
Next may be the same chart except using Cm as the root chord.[This message was edited by ed packard on 25 November 2006 at 03:10 PM.] |
ed packard
From: Show Low AZ
Posted 27 Nov 2006 9:32 am
Pardon the scrolling issue, Photobucket has changed their MO again and I have not figured it out yet.
Let's do four charts in a row, and put this section/thread to bed. The URL for seeing the whole collection so far is given above...feel free to browse.
I have not found a chord type that I cannot find at several locations on the neck. R,3rds,5ths, etc. on top seem to be there to be played. Harmonized scales, vertical or horizontal, have been shown to be available using many different strings as the root.
This structure can be used as a 10 thru 14 string setup. There is no strain on the changer as it only has one halftone (+/-) changes, and no tunable splits needed as it has only one change at a time per string.
It is not dependent on special hardware...any 10 (or more) string instrument can be set up to this configuration. Scale length is not an issue. Any steel maker/shop could make/modify either a new or used steel to this setup.
Consider Tom Baker at Sierra (because he helped with mine), Jim Palenscar at North County Steels in Oceanside Ca. (because he is familiar with my foolishness and has a nice assortment of used PSGs that can be modified)maybe even that Fessenden feller (just cause he is from Maine, my home state).
Try it, you might like it.
End of thread!!!![This message was edited by ed packard on 27 November 2006 at 09:50 AM.] |