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Fred Bova


Connecticut, USA
Post  Posted 11 Nov 2006 10:28 am    
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Hi, I was looking at a picture of my old Wright Custom PSG and I was wondering why the bodies are not made like that anymore. Why the shift to metal end pieces, why not build it all out of wood ? I plan on building a few psg out of the orphan parts I have been collecting and I would like to avoid the cost and constraints of metal end pieces. Any info welcome.
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Bill Duve

Limestone .New York, USA
Post  Posted 11 Nov 2006 12:41 pm    
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I worked around the wood industry most of my life wearing one hat or another..
They used to make the best sounding guitars like that or at least I thought so,
I have seen a few on the Bay and many have cracks or end check but this is due to many things, the causes are not worth konwing..the cure is !
For one thing a bigol chhunk of wood is easy and pretty but after drying it needs to be stress relieved by ripping,edge joining the pieces back straight, then gluing them back into a slab, (so get a bigger piece than you need)the open end grain should be covered by installing a cross grain block on it (like on the end of open stair treads)either by cutting in at 45% or using a router, use real glue,Aircraft type(liquid Resorcinol).. put your work in a bag when not working on it and tie it shut to keep out moisture, moisture content should be very and low stay the same till its finished, Finish every last inch of it,put finish or sealer even in screw holes...anywhere it might dry more later.
The end caps and mica likey were the answer to a whole lot of work..tho theyre pretty too. The kinds of wood have used up 20 pages of this forum and are still doing so but dont forget to look at an aircraft or spar grade of clear hard stika spruce like the famous Gibson flat tops were made of.

ps:most of that wood work can be done by a cabinet shop inexpensively in a shorter time so less time for moisture to creep in.
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Steven Black


Gahanna, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 12 Nov 2006 5:51 am    
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Wood end plates can be made for pedal steel guitar, why they are not using them? is because it is cosmetic reason, and the fact that metal end plates will not break so easily or legs will not snap out of them as easily when moving the guitar around, but the wood end plates can still be made, everyone seems to want a highly polished mirror look to their guitars for on stage appearance, that is why wood end plates are not used much.
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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 12 Nov 2006 6:25 am    
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Exactly. It's called a steel guitar.
Wouldn't look right without something shiny on the ends.
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 12 Nov 2006 6:26 am    
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...everyone seems to want a highly polished mirror look to their guitars for on stage appearance, that is why wood end plates are not used much.


From average spectator distances 20-30 feet away, you can't even see a wood's grain, but that chrome and polished aluminum still sparkle, saying "Come look at me"! All-wood guitars just have a cheap look, to me anyway. It's kinda like a car or truck with no chrome.

And who'd want a K-Whopper with no chrome?
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Bill Duve

Limestone .New York, USA
Post  Posted 12 Nov 2006 9:12 am    
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Just look right above your post...
"Look At This Thing" Heee-hee,
Seriously, dont let em mess with you ! I once had a motorcycle that I veneered the tanks,side covers and bags with African Ribon Mahogany,everyone loved it too....

I have kicked computers out the back door for less..
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Steven Black


Gahanna, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 14 Nov 2006 9:27 am    
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Fred, I do know that wood end plate guitars do have high quality sound to them, just another thought to add to this forum.
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