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my playing days have come to an abrupt end

Posted: 7 Feb 2020 7:27 pm
by Don Barnhardt
I got my first lap steel 70 years ago and although I've never been more than a mediocre player it has been an important part of my life, For the last 10 years my hearing has been getting progressively worse. Then around the 1st of last November in a matter of acouple weeks I could no longer hear music. Everything was off key and sounded like noise. My mind hears perfectly, chord by chord and note for note but for instance when playing key G I know when it's time to go to C but it dosen't sound like a C. Recorded music or live music sound like a foriegn minor key. I can't describe how depressing this is. As I write this I'm sitting in a room with 31 musical instruments plus 2 banjos that I can't play. Hope none of you have this same misfortune.

Posted: 7 Feb 2020 8:30 pm
by Rick Barnhart
I’m sorry to read this, Don. We tend to take things for granted, I can’t imagine how I would feel if I lost my hearing. I’m just hoping this is only temporary, but I recognize that may not be the case. Godspeed Don, I’m sending you prayers for a good outcome.

Posted: 7 Feb 2020 9:07 pm
by Lance Clifford

Check out this article: ... ting-2018/ If you're suffering from sensorineural hearing loss (most common type of age related loss), get in touch with these folks, Frequency Theraputics, who licensed the technology, already completed stage one of the study successfully and began phase two in the forth quarter of 2019. Perhaps you could take part in their program.

Your 31 musical instruments, plus two banjos need you as much as you need them...

Best wishes,


Posted: 7 Feb 2020 9:22 pm
by Bill Hatcher
best to you in this difficult situation.

Posted: 8 Feb 2020 7:01 am
by Larry Lenhart
I cant imagine how depressing this must be for you...but I believe there is hope through technology...I believe there is an answer for you out there, you just have to find the right hearing specialist who can help you ! Take care and I wish you the best ! Don't give up !

Posted: 8 Feb 2020 7:02 am
by Robert Allen
I have 80% high frequency hearing loss in one ear. The ear, nose, throat specialist said many things can cause temporary hearing loss. They tested for Lyme Disease, autoimmune disorders, C-reactive protein, rheumatoid arthritis, and then did an MRI to make sure there wasn't a tumor or mini stroke. All the tests came back normal so it's just too many years of loud noises in the factories or maybe too many years of listening to my own banjo playing. I don't have any problem listening to music at home or playing with friends in a small group but I don't go to the jams or play in a band anymore because the sounds get mixed up and I have trouble following the melody and timing in a noisy environment.

Posted: 8 Feb 2020 4:45 pm
by Don Barnhardt
Thanks fellas, Rick,Bill and Larry your concern means a lot. Robert I think you and I have a good bit in common. I just turned 83 and have been exposed to lots of machinery noise and music (no ear protection in those days). I was doing alright playing in some rest homes til this stuff started. At first I thought the group was off then realized it was me. I can hear change in pitch but not true pitch. On my flat top I can walk down the high E string and by the time I get to the 12th fret it's way off, I can back off to the 9th fret and bend the string a little and approximate an E. I'm not giving up but I'm really frustrated. On a bright note I seem to be able to sing a little if I can get on key and I'm able to accompany myself a little in E. Lance I greatly appreciate the articles. I intend to follow up on them they certainly address my problem.

Posted: 9 Feb 2020 6:52 am
by Jim Pitman
Don I sincerely hope you do find some improvement in the future, and if you do we'd like to hear about it.
I suspect I'm right behind ya. lately I'm having trouble identifying chord changes on the fly which had been my specialty really doing so much pickup work.

Posted: 9 Feb 2020 7:15 am
by Thomas Sabatini
Don, this is awful. You know, playing may be difficult, but there's a composer in you waiting to get out. If you haven't messed with it yet, try messing with Musecore or a similar program.

There's a lifetime of music in you. You probably have some unrealized ditties rolling around your brain. Heck, maybe it's time to compose your great autobiographical an symphony.

One more day, turn the page.

Posted: 17 Feb 2020 10:41 am
by Chris Akeley
I hope whatever spirit you showed by separating "musical instruments" and "banjos" will sustain you. God bless.

Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:29 am
by Ron Shalita
I can totally relate ! The ringing in my ears gets louder everyday, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I wonder if i will hear anything tomorrow .. guess ill keep playing till I’m totally deaf1

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 2:41 am
by Willis Vanderberg
Are you sure it isn't just one ear ?
I have that problem with my left I stick some cotton in there and that seems to act like a filter.
Some higher notes seem to cause the same problems and the cotton seems to help that too
I know this seems to be too simple but it's worth a try
It seems strange that both ears would develops this problem at the same time.
Good luck and I pray this will resolve its self.

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:04 am
by Lee D Kaiser
How frustrating!

Nothing like a non-doctor making a diagnosis over the internet, but there was a post on another forum that I frequent. The author mentioned similar symptoms to yours, and said he was diagnosed with Menier's disease, or Cochlear Hydrops. Here's the link: ... =1#p434272.

It might be worth a look.

Good luck.

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 2:38 pm
by Ron Shalita
I hate to bring anyone down but there really isn’t a cure for tenitus (ringing in ears) just the way it is, and I know there are a lot of people telling you there is help.. go see a real doctor .. lots of people trying to make a living selling us stuff...

Posted: 19 Feb 2020 4:11 pm
by Ron Shalita
I hate to bring anyone down but there really isn’t a cure for tenitus (ringing in ears) just the way it is, and I know there are a lot of people telling you there is help.. go see a real doctor .. lots of people trying to make a living selling us stuff...