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Happy Birthday

Posted: 14 Sep 2019 5:59 pm
by Mike Dunlap
Happy 80th Birthday Lucky AKA Carl Kilmer. You have come a long way and have been so much help to me and so many others in our field. Thank you,

Posted: 15 Sep 2019 6:33 pm
by Carl Kilmer
Many thanks Mike. You and all my music playing friends
made my birthday party a very exciting day for sure.
Everyone said they had a wonderful and liked the way
I can still play with all my health problems and want to
get together often to enjoy some good country jams.
Thanks to you & Brenda and my wife Jean for putting
this together and giving this old man a great day.

That picture is from the early 70's and was my band
in NJ called "Lucky Kaye and The Southern Comforts"
Back then I was a pretty good looking dude. (ha-ha) :lol:

Posted: 15 Sep 2019 8:52 pm
by Mike Dunlap
Your'e most welcome Lucky and thank you for all the lessons and the many helpful tips. Brenda says your welcome also and she loved helping with making the food etc. We all enjoyed the music and it was great to see all the great friends some of who came a very long ways to celebrate. im hoping to get back up there with my steel as soon as i get caught up around here. Happy Birthday again ans may we all celebrate many ore in you're honor.

Posted: 17 Sep 2019 3:26 am
by Larry Baker
Happy Birthday Lucky. We miss seeing you and Jean. Hope you had a great day. Larry and Jean