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Should this Moyo volume pedal be killing my high end?

Posted: 1 Sep 2019 2:59 pm
by Joseph Myers
Perhaps this is just how it is. I can't say it sounds bad as I like a softer high end but compared to the steel direct into the amp, the high end is severely cut. Is this normal for the Moyo pedal. I'm using a George L 10-1


Posted: 1 Sep 2019 3:42 pm
by Joseph Myers
Close this one up...I have found the problem. Crappy cable from pedal to steel.
When I swapped out pickup to the 10-1 I just used an old cable as I was in a hurry to test it. An old 70's curly cable. Forgot to change it out. Wow, did that kill tone.
All's well...

Posted: 1 Sep 2019 3:58 pm
by Ian Worley
It's normal behavior for a passive pot volume pedal to kill some high frequencies, though maybe not as much as your old curly cable! You can overcome this with an active buffer in the signal chain ahead of the VP to lower the high impedance of the pickup's output signal. A Sarno Freeloader, Black Box, Lil Izzy, etc. This will help overcome the potential signal loss from long cable runs too. That said, some players actually prefer the effect of rolling off the highs as the volume pedal is backed off.

Posted: 1 Sep 2019 4:12 pm
by Joseph Myers
Yep, I prefer the volume pedal back off a bit. And I usually use nice cables. Kind of got in a rush when I got the 10-1 in and forgot about it.

Posted: 3 Sep 2019 3:49 pm
by Glenn Taylor
just to be doubly redundant, no the Moyo volume pedal should not be affecting the tone at all.